

APP mobile application development crowd-funding platform

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brief introduction

SellanApp:APP Mobile Application development public funding platform is a do not need to know the design and code, only creative ideas to achieve the app software development of the public funding site. You can not only raise funds, but also "collect" designers, developers.

SellanApp (Sell an App) was founded in 2011, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and began internal testing in April 2012. Now the website is officially online, accepting App creators from all over the world to raise funds and staff for their App on its platform.

If you have an idea, you post it, and write down the funds you want to raise, and what rewards people who promise to give you money will get (such as an App free redemption code, advertising on the promotion page, a share or a one-year premium account, etc.). Once you've raised the money, you can develop it yourself, or you can find a designer or developer. Your App can be charged or put in the App store for free download.

Now there are more app downloads than songs downloaded. There are thousands of apps in the app store, but there are still some cool ideas that haven't been implemented. So SellanApp allows everyone to contribute their best app idea and actually make it happen with the help of people.

APP mobile application development crowd-funding platform
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