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Capgemini|France Capgemini Management Consultants

French Capgemini Management Consultants ( Capgemini, Euronext: CAP) is a French global leader in IT service management, founded by French entrepreneur Serge Kampf in 1967 and headquartered in Paris, France.

Capgemini is listed in the Paris CAC40 index and is one of the top 40 companies in France. Capgemini is listed in the CAC 40 index in Paris and is one of the top 40 companies in France, with subsidiaries in 39 countries worldwide, operating in North America, South America, Northern Europe, Asia Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe. Its services include management consulting, technology, outsourcing and localization expertise. The Group's subsidiaries include Sogeti, an IT service provider on par with IBM.

For example, in recent years, the problem of urban congestion, in recent years, urban car ownership began to decline, in order to understand the use of driving public around the world, research institutions Capgemini conducted an annual survey, the results show that the public to "hailing services& amp;quot; acceptance has increased significantly, but also reveals the potential problems facing car dealers.

Capgemini surveyed 1,000 consumers in major cities in eight countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, India, China and Brazil, and the results show that recognition and consideration of ride-hailing services are on the rise.

By region, in the survey of willingness to use ride-hailing services, only 29% of respondents in Germany and the United Kingdom and 39% in the United States chose likely and possible, but in China and India, which are known for their traffic congestion, the rate rose significantly to nearly 80%. Gill emphasized that such a figure is very scary for car dealers. In the case of China's most famous local ride-hailing service, Didi, if we take the current daily passenger count of about 20 million, the number of passengers carried in a year is about 7 billion.

Gill believes that governments around the world are likely to take measures to reduce the use of personal cars in order to improve traffic congestion, and that within five years there may be strong legislation or financial incentives to encourage people not to drive their own cars and to convert urban areas to carpooling only.

Official website of the French mobile operator Free.FR

Free.FR mobile operator is one of the newest mobile operators in France. FR Mobile is one of the newest mobile operators in France, special because its corporate culture is "hacker culture", offering very practical mobile packages, launching a 19.99 euro tariff package, which has greatly impacted the French mobile operator market.

Have you ever thought of such a cell phone tariff package: unlimited In China, at least 888 dollars a month to enjoy such treatment. In France, the mobile carrier Free as little as $25 (that is, 19.99 euros), and no contract period! The company has played some "tricks" in terms of technology, marketing techniques and finance. "Free's corporate culture is a "hacker culture" and Free has survived among the big carriers and come out on top.

Before becoming a mobile carrier, Free was an Internet Service Provider (ISP). In 2002, Free became the first French provider to offer triple-play services to its customers, as well as offering French people unlimited VoIP calls for 29.99 euros per month. In 2009, the French regulator ARCEP decided that the presence of the three major mobile operators was not conducive to competition and sold the fourth 3G band to Free for $300 million (€240 million). The company's CEO, Xavier Niel, immediately began advertising to French consumers that Free would "bleed" the entire French mobile market with its ultra-low-priced unlimited phone and text traffic rates. The Modem "cat" in Free's triple-play solution is a hotspot that is not expected by other carriers. The "cat" is a hotspot, which covers almost all of France, and Free users can use these hotspots for free on their smartphones.

In January 2012, Free launched a €19.99 tariff package, and CEO Niel said aggressively that the French mobile operators were milking consumers dry.

Finally, Free's little marketing gimmick is the "full purchase". The other carriers will launch contract phones, $0 phones, but the tariff packages are usually more expensive. The cost of full purchase + ultra-low tariff is lower than $0 purchase or contract phones, so consumers like it very much, so Free's approach forced other competitors to offer the same tariff package.

Just 6 months after launching its mobile business, Free had a 5.4% market share in France, or 3.6 million subscribers. As predicted by the market, these customers were all "poached" from other carriers.

Intelligent robotics research and development company

Aldebaran Robotics is a company dedicated to the development and production of commercial robots, as one of the world's most widely used next-generation programmable humanoid robots, NAO Next Gen is developed by the company, opening up new applications and development prospects for users.

In Aldebaran In the three years since Aldebaran Robotics launched its commercial robot Nao, the robot has sold a total of 2,000 units worldwide. Aldebaran Robotics is now announcing a new generation of programmable humanoid robots, primarily for research and education and, more broadly, for exploring the new world of service-oriented robotics.

The world's leading humanoid robotics company Bruno Maisonnier, founder and president of Aldebaran Robotics, said, "The emergence of a new generation of Nao robots is very important to our business, and we are proud to continue to offer new creations to customers in all areas. Next Gen has proven technology to serve children with autism and people with disabilities. When I myself founded Aldebaran Robotics in 2005, I wanted to contribute to the well-being of humanity."

NAO is a 58 cm tall humanoid robot with a small, rounded body that is easy on the eyes! It can walk, will recognize people, can listen to people talk, and even talk to people! Since its birth in 2006, NAO has been progressing, becoming more and more likeable, will help people to relax, but also more and more understanding, love of mankind, will one day become a real friend of mankind. NAO is a small artificial spirit that will make people's lives better. It has excellent interactive capabilities that create layers of surprise and emotion while being endearing.

NAO Next Gen is the result of six years of research and repeated conversations with the research community and users. The robot's powerful computational capabilities allow it to perform interactive behaviors better, operate more stably, and move more precisely and smoothly, thus increasing the ability of the Nao robot to be used in research and education, and expanding the scope of Nao's applications and user base.

the robot uses the new technology, it is worth paying attention to the use of powerful Intel Atom processor onboard computer, the processor frequency of 1.6Ghz, can excel in multi-tasking calculations; two high-definition cameras can be connected to the FPGA, while receiving two video streams In addition, the camera's field of view sensitivity has also been greatly improved, even in the case of low illumination, but also effective in the face and object recognition.

NAO Although not yet in the home, but has become a shining star in the education sector. In more than 70 countries, it has made its way into the information technology and technology professional classrooms of secondary schools and universities. Many university students use NAO to learn to program in a fun, educational and practical way. They program NAO to walk, grab small objects, and even dance!

Then, NAO conquered a large group of program developers. In their eyes, NAO is a powerful and amazingly expressive application creation platform that allows a large number of ideas to become reality, thus opening up a new world of program development and paving the way for the future creation of robots for the masses.

In addition to hardware innovations, NAO Next Gen is equipped with a new voice recognition program called "Nuance", which makes voice recognition faster and more reliable. The speech recognition program is linked to a new word spotting feature that extracts and identifies key words in a sentence or a conversation.

Bruno Messone concludes: "In addition to hardware updates, we will offer new software features such as intelligent control of the motorized units (two), limb and body collision avoidance systems, improved gait algorithms, and more. We are improving the technology based on our accumulated experience and customer feedback, thus providing a platform with a wider range of applications and more advanced performance. On the application side, especially in secondary education, we are committed to improving educational content; on the human side, we are committed to developing more targeted applications. Of course, we will continue our efforts to make our NAO robot a tool for personal use through the Developer Program, a group of programmers who work with us to invent and create The NAO robots will become the personal robots of tomorrow.

NAO, coming to your home!

Speak to NAO and he will respond to you!

Whatever you want NAO to do, he will do it! For example, you can have NAO teach your child multiplication facts, wake you up in the morning, watch the house while you are away, give you the latest news, and so on. These examples may not seem like much, but what's special about them is that you no longer need a keyboard, computer, or mouse; you just say the command and NAO responds.

The new family member

Imagine a NAO that can read your mind, say your name, recognize your family members, know your favorite music tracks, dishes or movies! ...... This is Aldebaran, and the company's current development goal is to make NAO a lively, fun and interactive intimate companion. Its humanoid shape is adorable, flexible, dynamic, can interact with people and become a real new family member.

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