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Grenoble II

Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble2 (Grenoble II), also known as Pierre Mendès University, is a university in Grenoble. Mendès University, formerly part of the University of Grenoble, originated in 1339 and was officially founded in 1970, known for its humanities and social sciences.

University of Paris VI

The University of Paris VI (also known as Université Pierre et Marie Curie, French: Université Paris VI or Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UPMC), has its main campus located in the Latin Quarter of the 5th arrondissement of Paris. Founded in 1971, UPMC is a member of the European Union of Research Universities and the Sorbonne, and has more than 125 laboratories, most of them in collaboration with the French National Center for Scientific Research. The Honorary Rector of the Paris Academy of Sciences, Marc Zamansky, likens the University of Paris VI to the crystallization of scientific thought in the heart of Paris. The school has nine bachelor's degrees in science and technology: mathematics, mathematics-computer information, computer information, mechanics, electronics, physics, chemistry, life sciences and earth sciences; and one multidisciplinary sub-discipline: basic, natural and experimental sciences.

PISA International Programme for Student Assessment of Ability

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), one of the world's most influential international student learning assessment programs, is organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and began in 2000. It is held every three years, mainly to compare educational attainment around the world, with the aim of developing educational methods and outcomes.

National Higher School of Telecommunications of Brittany

ENST BRETAGNE (Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications de Bretagne) is a prestigious public school of higher engineering in France, under the French Ministry of Industry. It is composed of three campuses: Rennes, Brest and Toulouse. It offers general engineering programs, professional engineering programs (retraining for working engineers) and research master and doctoral programs.

Online World Geological Map Network

The OneGeology website is a It is a dynamic global electronic address data platform that uses a map-based model to provide and develop existing address data in different electronic formats for each country, with a target ratio of 1:1 million, but the project will accept various ratios and the best valid data from a practical perspective. This is a truly innovative, multi-lateral, multi-national initiative that will be hosted by several global organizations.

"Geology The idea of "oneness" has been around since 2006. Like many other ideas, it is simple, basic, and unified, but more importantly, it is timely. The principles of the geological integration concept are: global geological surveys and geoscientists are responsible for opening up the best geological data they have; working together to develop standards for unified open data - interoperable maps; and promoting frequent use of these data to enhance their availability.

Geointegration is an international creative activity of the geological survey community and a flagship project of the 'International Year of Planet Earth'. Its goal is to create an open, dynamic world geological map database on the web to provide geological information to the public. With the enthusiastic support of the participating countries, the idea has grown rapidly and the geological survey community and their many data users have praised this unprecedented project. This web page will provide you with background on the creation of the idea and an update on its progress.

It goes without saying that geology is important. Natural resources are scarce in many parts of the world, and we are often devastated by natural disasters. Many economies are based on the exploitation of natural resources, and geology is at the heart of many of today's most pressing environmental issues. Understanding the root causes of our plight is a key issue. In addition, growing concerns about environmental issues, especially climate change, solving the problem of excessive carbon dioxide emissions, or questions about where future energy will come from, all prompt you to begin to understand the importance of geology.

Kashan Higher Teacher Training School

École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay (École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay) is a French university founded in 1912 in Cachan, a suburb of Paris, and one of the four higher teacher training colleges in France.

Ecole Centrale Paris

École Centrale Paris is a French engineering school founded in 1829 (École Centrale Paris), a member of the Paris High School. 2015, École Centrale Paris and École Supérieure d'Electricité merged to form École Centrale Paris -The CentraleSupélec (Higher Electricity Institute Community).

National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN; Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires) is a French university of engineers, founded in 1956, under the supervision of the French Atomic Energy Agency (CEA), the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Industry. It has a strong faculty and enjoys the opportunity to work with the best experts of the CEA and the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN).

National Geological School

The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie (ENSG; Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie) is a renowned French national school of engineers that aims to teach advanced geology and its applications, to train engineers in various fields of geology and to conduct high-end research. Founded in 1908, the school is located in the Lorraine region and its diploma in engineering (equivalent to a master's degree) is recognized by the French Council for the Accreditation of Engineers. Its diploma in engineering (equivalent to a master's degree) is recognized by the French Council for the Accreditation of Engineers;

Kombinje University of Technology

Université des Technologies de Compiègne (UTC; full name: Université de Technologie de Compiègne) is a prestigious French higher professional engineering school and a well-known comprehensive university, founded in 1972 as a member of the Sorbonne, with a diploma in engineering It is a member of the Sorbonne and has a diploma in engineering, a master's degree in research, a professional master's degree and a doctorate.

National School of Applied Sciences, Rouen

INSA de Rouen is a prestigious and elite university in France, supervised by the French Ministry of National Education and part of the INSA group, founded in 1985, known for its strict admission, high employment rate, high starting salary and wide range of employment. It is known for its rigorous admission, high employment rate, high salary and wide range of employment;

National Institute for Higher Industrial Innovation

ENSCI Paris (Ecole nationale supérieure de création industrielle) is the only French national school of higher education specializing in industrial modelling and design, created in 1982 and located in the heart of Paris, near the Place de la Bastille. It is located in the heart of Paris, near the Place de la Bastille, under the supervision of the French Ministry of Industry and Culture, and specializes in the fields of industrial creation, industrial design, product design and contemporary multifaceted application design. It is supervised by the French Ministry of Industry and Culture;

School of Journalism Practice

The Institute for the Practice of Journalism (IPJ; Institut pratique de journalisme), a prestigious journalism school in Paris, was founded in 1978 by historian Pierre Miguel and is located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. Newspapers, radio, television, news agencies, multimedia, etc. Tuition up to 4200 euros per year, registration fees of about 170 euros. The tuition fee is €4200 per year and the registration fee is about €170;

University of Paris VII

The University of Paris VII (French: Université Paris Diderot - Paris VII; Paris Diderot University) is a comprehensive public university in France, founded in 1971, is one of the main successors of the former University of Paris, the school in the fields of medicine, science, humanities and social sciences enjoy a high reputation. The university enjoys a high reputation in the fields of medicine, science, humanities and social sciences. The University of Paris is one of the main successors of the former University of Paris;

School of Advanced Translation

Institut supérieur d'interprétation et traduction (ISIT; full name: Institut supérieur d'interprétation et traduction) France's top translation school, dedicated to foreign language and intercultural affairs education, was founded in 1957 and offers courses in conference interpretation, French sign language translation, translation and interpretation. It offers four specialized courses in conference interpretation, French sign language translation, translation and translation studies in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Arabic, and its graduates are equipped with professional translation skills and are capable of translating in various fields such as economics, science, technology and diplomacy.

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