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Chinese Consulate General in Irkutsk

The website is the official website of the Consulate General of China in Irkutsk, providing information on the Consulate, the latest news, the Consular District, overseas Chinese affairs and consular documents, consular protection, business technology, culture, education, tourism and notices. The website is available in Chinese and Russian.

United Russia Party

The United Russia party (Единая Россия) is the ruling party of Russia, formed in 2001 by the merger of the Fatherland-All-Russia coalition and the United Russia party, which brands itself as centrist. The current Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev are members of the United Russia party.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации, abbreviated as КПРФ) is currently the largest opposition party in Russia, founded in 1993 and considered a successor party to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, whose guiding ideology is Communism, patriotism, socialism.

Russian Library Union

Russian Book Union (Russian Book Union, abbreviated as РКС) is a non-governmental, non-profit publishing industry alliance organization created by large Russian publishers and book distributors to improve the competitiveness of Russia in the field of books. Founded in 2001, almost all the giants of the publishing industry in Russia are members of the Union.

In November 2006, in order to promote national reading and book promotion, the Russian Publishing and In November 2006, in order to promote national reading and book promotion, the Russian Publishing and Mass Media Agency and the Russian Book Union jointly developed and published the "State Support and Development of Reading Program" (the "Program"). This plan was supported by then Russian President Vladimir Putin, Putin asked the government to develop specific measures to implement, in terms of financial and other support.

The founders of the Union hope that by establishing such a widely involved organization, the full picture of the contemporary Russian book industry will be presented. The most important task of the Union is to strive for strong state support for mass media and book publishing. The Russian Book Union declared 2007 as the Russian National Year of Reading.

In 2007, the program was officially launched. The program is implemented in three stages: 2007-2010 for the first stage, the establishment of organizational mechanisms and infrastructure to support and develop reading; 2011-2015 for the second stage, the systematic strengthening of infrastructure; 2016-2020 for the third stage, to further explore the implementation of the program. The third stage is to further explore the potential of the implementation of the Outline and achieve rapid growth. The Outline provides planning and requirements for libraries, education systems, reading popularization systems, the book industry, talent training systems, and management systems for reading infrastructure. The Outline clearly defines the important role of mass media, especially television and radio, in promoting reading for all.

"Outline" in the past two years, the Russian Publishing and Mass Media Agency and the Russian Library Union to support and promote the organization of many colorful national reading activities throughout Russia. For example, book fairs, book festivals, book reading competitions, the publication of books to promote reading, financial support for book publishing, the organization of international book fairs host country activities, the Year of the Russian language, etc.. The Russian Book Union is also one of the organizers of the St. Petersburg International Book Salon.

Official Website of the Russian Presidential Administration

KremLin:The Russian Presidential Administration The official website is the press release site of the Russian Presidential Administration, where every incoming president works in the Kremlin, and its official website is one of the sites for important news releases to the outside world.

Part of the work of the Russian President and his office The staff occupies the first building of the Kremlin. After entering the Kremlin through the gate under the Spasta building, the building on the left is the Presidential Palace. This is the first former Soviet-era building in the Kremlin, built by architects in 1932-1934 in the style of the building of the House of Representatives across the street.

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of the Russian Federation (the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation; EMERCOM) is one of the executive departments of the Russian federal government, established in 1994, whose main responsibilities include the development of emergency response procedures and state policy, the unified command and management of civil defense and natural disaster response in the Russian Federation. The main responsibilities include the development of emergency response procedures and national policy, the unified command and management of civil defense and search and rescue in the Russian Federation, and the establishment and refinement of the Russian Disaster Management System.

Official Website of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation

Udprf:Office of the President of the Russian Federation The Office of the President of the Russian Federation is a federal agency of executive power, primarily at the personal service of the President, under the direct leadership of the President himself, an agency that assists the President in fulfilling his constitutional authority and functions, with the main responsibility of safeguarding all activities of the Head of State and creating conditions for the implementation of the constitutional powers of the President.

Since its establishment, the Russian Presidential Administration has undergone several adjustments In 1996, the Office of the President underwent a major reorganization, promulgating the Presidential Decree on "Problems of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation", while formulating two annexes: "Regulations of the Office of the President" and "Organization of the Office of the President", the institutionalization of the Office has further developed. One of the main principles of the reorganization is that the Office of the President is not an office, but rather "an organ of state power that ensures the activities of the President," and is the sum of the various subordinate agencies and institutions that are essential for the President to carry out his constitutional functions. The reorganization has basically established the powers and legal status of the Office of the President, giving it economic, legal, personnel and ideological powers.

Federal Migration Service of Russia

The Federal Migration Service (FMS) is an executive agency of the Russian Federation specializing in immigration affairs, providing content on state policy, law enforcement, law control, monitoring laws, and immigration services.

Just Russia Party

Just Russia (Справедливая Россия), founded in 2006, is a social democratic party in Russia with a left-of-center political stance, and is a member of the Socialist International Party.

Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science is a departmental agency of the Russian Federation. The website is available in both Russian and English and its main purpose is to be responsible for scientific research, education, accreditation of studies, etc. Its headquarters is located in the central administrative district of Moscow.

The content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia includes department Introduction, curriculum, educational management, educational projects, educational news, etc. Russian education is very developed, as early as the end of the 1930s, largely eliminated illiteracy and universal primary education, and from the 1980s to the present, Russia is working to universalize the eleven-year compulsory education. Russian national education includes pre-school, general secondary, vocational-technical, professional secondary and higher education. All schools are under the direct supervision of the Russian Ministry of Education.

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