

Official Website of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation

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brief introduction

Udprf:Office of the President of the Russian Federation The Office of the President of the Russian Federation is a federal agency of executive power, primarily at the personal service of the President, under the direct leadership of the President himself, an agency that assists the President in fulfilling his constitutional authority and functions, with the main responsibility of safeguarding all activities of the Head of State and creating conditions for the implementation of the constitutional powers of the President.

Since its establishment, the Russian Presidential Administration has undergone several adjustments In 1996, the Office of the President underwent a major reorganization, promulgating the Presidential Decree on "Problems of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation", while formulating two annexes: "Regulations of the Office of the President" and "Organization of the Office of the President", the institutionalization of the Office has further developed. One of the main principles of the reorganization is that the Office of the President is not an office, but rather "an organ of state power that ensures the activities of the President," and is the sum of the various subordinate agencies and institutions that are essential for the President to carry out his constitutional functions. The reorganization has basically established the powers and legal status of the Office of the President, giving it economic, legal, personnel and ideological powers.

Official Website of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation
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