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upSite|Free Windows-based website builder

upSite is a free website builder Upsite supports general text, links, images, videos, audio, maps and coloring blocks that can be dragged and dropped to adjust the arrangement.

How to use: After opening the Upsite website Then set your website name (or enter your company name), which will become the beginning of your web address, as well as your Email and password, and check the agree to the terms of use to create Upsite website immediately. Recently Upsite started to support Markdown syntax. As you know, Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to quickly insert images, videos, music, maps, or anything else using syntax.

Upsite's windowed design has many benefits, such as the ability to easily fit a variety of web needs, whether it's a profile, a product promotion, a showcase of your work, or a collection of your favorite videos, music, and more. It is also compatible with mobile devices or small screens (using RWD, reactive web design), so it is very suitable for all kinds of websites.

ProcessLibrary|System Process Function Description

"Process Library" is a searchable list of Windows processes that can help users look up The user only needs to enter the name of the process (e.g., svchost.exe) and it will let you know if it is malicious, safe or unwanted. If you do not know which process is doing what, you may want to try the site.

Internet image tracking tool

In the network a certain picture in the Internet Can the time of appearance and the number of times it has been reprinted on the Internet be queried and counted? The answer is yes, there is such a site "WhereOnThe" can be statistical data, such as how many sites a picture has appeared on, when was the first time it was uploaded can be displayed.

There are requirements for the pictures you want to query. The pictures supported by the site are required to have a historical time span, recent years or the latest pictures are not available, so the pictures you want to query are preferably old pictures.

Based on cloud-based paper management platform

Refme is a free cloud Refme is a free cloud-based service platform that helps users to quickly take notes and collect data when researching literature, and furthermore, it addresses the special needs of writing by providing: automatic bibliography creation, automatic citation formatting" features! Can also cloud synchronization, multi-person collaboration.

The Refme website can be described as a reference It allows us to spend more time focusing on content research collection and forget about the pressure of building a reference index; it not only helps us to collect literature quickly and export citation formats automatically, but also to export the whole database to our Evernote, OneNote, and even thesis-specific software such as RefWorks and EndNote at the end. The citation format can be automatically exported to Evernote, OneNote, and even to RefWorks and EndNote for papers.

With RefMe, you can start using it on the web after registering your account and logging in. We can collect various bibliographies and abstracts in RefMe, and automatically generate the citation format needed for the paper. If you want to insert a new bibliography or literature, just click "Create Reference" at the top right of the RefMe page.

Command Line File Sharing Network line It supports online drag-and-drop storage and command-line file storage. It supports uploading up to 5GB, uploading and downloading very fast, URL sharing of uploaded files, and ZIP or Tar compression.

Generally we upload files under Windows The website we share today can support Linux system and can be uploaded directly from the command line. A few simple commands can upload files from Linux system to the network and generate URL links.

Here are a few command parameters:

1. upload:curl --upload-file . /hello.txt

2、Download:curl Create shared alias:

transfer() { curl --upload-file $1$(basename $1 ); }

alias transfer=transfer

4. Encrypted upload:cat /tmp/hello.txt|gpg -ac -o-| curl -X PUT --upload-file "-"

5、decrypt download:curl https://|gpg -o- > /tmp/hello.txt

See the above encryption and decryption features, there is also support for the maximum 5G file upload, and there is no upload file The number of restrictions, said here what do you think this storage site can do?

Online Personal Income Global Ranking Network

GlobalRichlist: Online Personal Income Global Ranking is a website that provides a global ranking of the world's wealthy, but its main function is that you can see how much your income ranks in the world, you need your own deposit amount, and the system can help you measure your global ranking, and the amount of money you earn per hour.

In the website page you can choose the currency unit, there are U.S. dollars, euros, pounds, yen and so on to choose from, their annual salary into U.S. dollars or pounds, enter your annual income and click the button, you will be able to know your income in the global ranking in how many positions, scroll down to see how much you earn per hour, although the site is only a predictive value, but this can encourage you to work hard to earn money, whenever your ranking goes up, is not a sense of accomplishment Whenever your ranking goes up, don't you feel a sense of accomplishment?

Free Graphic Design Platform

Crello is a web-based version of the tool It can simplify the complex design process, designers do not have to design a variety of effect styles, just through the platform using the set of templates to achieve the way, the site currently contains more than 6000 template styles, and most or free.

Crello is suitable for designing posters, covers It takes only three steps to complete: choose the distribution media to meet the size of the specifications, find a suitable template, add custom graphics and text to quickly generate. When finished, press Download in the upper right corner to download different formats of pictures. The actual inspiration area is a very good place to look for a new product. The actual inspiration area idea is good, but unfortunately, the template classification is not perfect, not to find the desired template at once, but the quantity is really advantageous.

Verstory|Web Development Technology Versions Book

Verstory is an application that helps Verstory is a free web tool that helps developers look up the current versions of various content management systems (CMS), development frameworks, programming languages and browsers. The transformation collects the most popular versions of various CMS and gets the latest version and last update time in real time.

Open the Verstory website to see The simple page design allows us to know the version update status of each program at the first time, and we can also filter to see which program we want including CMS, browser, development framework, program language, database, operating system, etc.

Online Visualization Whiteboard Collaboration Platform

Conceptboard: The online visual whiteboard writing platform is a web-based collaboration tool that can easily cross-platform use. The application supports some standard document formats, which can be used for markup and real-time discussion. It also allows for task management, team meetings, and even allowing clients to join in if necessary.

The design of Conceptboard is very user-friendly, you can request friends by email, or share links to share Collaborative operation, supports cross-platform synchronous update, you can use it on computers, iPads and other smart devices, and also has online video live broadcast, voice chat, and various cloud storage seamlessly. Powerful functions can fully meet the needs of daily work.

Free Interactive GPS Navigation

Before the popularization of the Internet, people usually use the traffic channel of the radio station to obtain traffic information. Now with Waze, drivers can use their mobile phones to obtain more real-time information and share road condition information with fellow riders in real time.

Waze is a free GPS navigation application website. Judging the current road conditions by analyzing the driver's current geographic location and driving speed, and giving traffic condition suggestions.

Real-time traffic information. Waze allows drivers to build and use real-time maps. The iOS version automatically uploads traffic information in real time. As long as there are enough users and the information is constantly updated, waze can always have the latest traffic information. Unlike traditional map services, Waze does not need to use street view cars to scan the streets every once in a while to update map data like Google Maps.

Instead, the user's human flesh directly witnessed the upload. Therefore, the real-time traffic information is more accurate. Currently Waze has seamlessly integrated Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, powerful.

Users can get traffic information from real-time Tweets; Waze can even remind your friends that they are near you through Facebook; or check in a place directly on Waze.


Users can get traffic information without real-time login Waze app, Twitter Geolocation is now integrated, so some Tweets themselves have latitude and longitude coordinates. Twitter users can browse Tweets with the hashtag #wazelive to see where traffic jams or traffic failures have occurred.

This avoids unnecessary data traffic and battery consumption, thereby prolonging the standby time of your mobile phone. In addition to iPhone, Waze is also available for Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Symbian, please go to to get the application suitable for your mobile phone.

Free Wireless Cloud Storage Platform

UsersCloud is a free and unlimited network cloud storage service platform that supports anonymous files to expire within 24 hours Automatic deletion function, if you want to save forever, you need to register as a successful member, and there is no traffic bandwidth limit for downloading, it can be said to be one of the good storage sites for foreign network disks. Support English, French, Spanish and other languages.

Capacity, unlimited downloads, storage files support pictures, videos, audios, etc. Users who work as a file transfer station or often work abroad can use this website.

LifeDigger|Online Personal Knowledge Management System

"Life Digger" is an online tool to help users sort out knowledge and capture your interests , Review the knowledge you have mastered, extend and strengthen your memory, and build your knowledge database. When you have recorded a lot of useful knowledge notes in your computer, you might as well use such a tool to sort it out.

Features of "Life Digger":

1. Intuitive : One-click to add a new knowledge point;

2. Fast: Immediately mine your knowledge base;

3. Efficient: Use shortcuts to start Your workflow;

4. Tagging: use tags to organize your knowledge, get rid of traditional organizational schemes;

5. Cross-reference: you can

6. Intelligent: can help you fill in the insertion label of the organization;

7. Mind map: through the mind map Use graphs to understand your knowledge and display your knowledge graphically;

8. View mode: You can review your knowledge and strengthen your memory, please be affected by the time interval.

"Life Digger" can help users decompose a large amount of information into manageable knowledge blocks, so that we can easily find and quickly locate, and at the same time improve learning efficiency. The knowledge points are classified by keywords, and the keywords can be directly filtered when querying.

Mail Delivery Status Tracking Tool

MailTrack is a software that supports Help users monitor the status of sent emails, automatically add a tracker when sending Email messages, track whether the recipient receives and reads the Email, solve the problem of whether the user's emails are correctly sent to the other party's mailbox, whether the letters are read, etc.

MailTrack supports the following browsers MailTrack supports Google Chrome and Firefox, just download and install MailTrack in your browser and it will be integrated into your Gmail mailbox immediately, and you can choose whether to add tracking function when you send emails. After paying for the upgrade, you can also enable the desktop notification function, so that users don't have to keep going back to Gmail to check the status of emails.

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