

upSite|Free Windows-based website builder

::::::::::::::: Site Details ::::::::::::::::
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brief introduction

upSite is a free website builder Upsite supports general text, links, images, videos, audio, maps and coloring blocks that can be dragged and dropped to adjust the arrangement.

How to use: After opening the Upsite website Then set your website name (or enter your company name), which will become the beginning of your web address, as well as your Email and password, and check the agree to the terms of use to create Upsite website immediately. Recently Upsite started to support Markdown syntax. As you know, Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to quickly insert images, videos, music, maps, or anything else using syntax.

Upsite's windowed design has many benefits, such as the ability to easily fit a variety of web needs, whether it's a profile, a product promotion, a showcase of your work, or a collection of your favorite videos, music, and more. It is also compatible with mobile devices or small screens (using RWD, reactive web design), so it is very suitable for all kinds of websites.

upSite|Free Windows-based website builder
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