

 current location:Country > Asia > Sri >
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Sri Lanka Daily Mirror, the online version of the newspaper, provides news from Sri Lanka.
Sephora, the best cosmetics, skin care products, etc. found from many beauty brands.

Sri Lanka Television (Sri Sri Lanka Rupavahini, the country's largest television station and mainstream media, is also the country's national television station, launched in 1982, its programs are broadcast in three languages, including English, Sinhala and Tamil. The website is its official website, mainly providing program schedules, program previews, highlights of the program video and so on.

Central Bank of Sri Lanka ( Central Bank of Sri Lanka is the largest financial institution in Sri Lanka, founded in 1950, headquartered in Colombo, is a member of the Asian Clearing Union. The website is its official website, the website language is English, Sinhalese and Tamil.

Tamil Guardian is a Sri Lankan newspaper specializing in Tamil news, mainly providing Tamil news, international news, news commentary, Tamil humanities, community activities and other content. The website is the official website of the Guardian and is available in English and Tamil.

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