Voice of Mongolia Voice of Mongolia is a famous Mongolian foreign radio station, founded in 1934, named Ulaanbaatar Radio on January 29, 1965 and changed to its current name on January 1, 1997. It broadcasts in Chinese, Russian, Mongolian, English, Japanese and Kazakh.
The website is the official website of the Mongolian government ( Website of State Institutions of Mongolia is the official website of the Mongolian government (Website of State Institutions of Mongolia), which provides information about the president, parliament, government, laws, etc. The website is available in Mongolian and English. Mongolia is located in central Asia, the capital is located in Ulaanbaatar, its official language is Mongolian, the presidential parliamentary system, the president is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the prime minister is the head of government.
The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN MONGOLIA)Related Information:
Address: C.P.O. BOX 672 ZALUUCHUUDYN URGUN CHULUUU 5, ULAANBAATAR, MONGOLIA& amp;lt;br> Country code: 00976-11
Switchboard: 320955, 323940, 311903
Fax: 311943
Mobile: (Country code only) )
Sponsor: 99119159
Consul: 99112578
Courtesy: 99112438
Business Office: 99112398
[email protected]
Mongolduu is the largest Mongolian Mongolduu is the largest music website in Mongolia, with a huge collection of Mongolian music from home and abroad, as well as music charts. It also provides entertainment news, artist information and other content.
Mongolian Airlines (Aero Mongolia is a leading Mongolian airline founded in 2002 and started its operations in 2003, mainly operating domestic and international routes to Mongolia, with its hub airport at Genghis Khan International Airport in Ulaanbaatar.
Links : poudr.xyz
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