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The Macedonian Daily (Dnevnik Dnevnik (Dnevnik) is the main local newspaper in Macedonia, and the main way for the Macedonian public to learn about current events both inside and outside the country, and was launched on March 20, 1996. The website is the official website of Dnevnik, which provides news and information on current affairs, politics, economy, business, sports, entertainment, culture, life and other aspects of domestic and foreign affairs.

The official website of the Macedonian Customs Department.

St. Kirill's McTurdie University (Macedonian. Универзитет "Св. Кирил и Методиј" - Скопје; English: Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje), the largest university in Macedonia, was founded in 1943 in Skopje. The University of Skopje is the largest university in Macedonia, founded in 1943, located in Skopje, with 23 departments and 10 institutes, with about 50,000 students. It has 23 departments and 10 research institutes with about 50,000 students;

The official website of the Macedonia government.
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