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The Bank of Latvia is the central bank of Latvia, established in 1918, and provides information on the country's economy, banking profile, monetary and financial policy, financial and price stability, key statistics, legal information, payment system, etc. It provides information on the country's economy, bank overview, monetary and financial policy, financial and price stability, key statistics, legal information, payment system, etc. The website is available in English and Latvian.

La Diario Latina (Diena) Latvian national daily newspaper, founded on November 23, 1990; in 1993, after privatization, was acquired by the Swedish Bonnie Group. The site is its official website, mainly providing sports, culture, business, technology, life, blogs and other content.

Air Baltic Corporation (Air Baltic Corporation, the national airline of Latvia, is 52.6% and 47.2% owned by the Latvian government and Baltic Airlines System (Baltijas aviācijas sistēmas SIA), respectively. On October 1 of the same year, Air Baltic made its first successful flight. In addition, the airline combines the attributes of a traditional airline and a low-cost airline.

Dartz Motorz Company (Dartz Motorz Company is a Latvian automotive company that specializes in the production of SUVs and military off-road vehicles, including a wide range of expensive bullet-proof vehicles.

The website is the official website of the EMBASSY OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA. China News, China-Latin America Relations, Consular Affairs, Exchange and Cooperation, etc. The website is available in Chinese and English.

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