

 current location:Country > Asia > Kuwait >
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Zain Group (Zain) Kuwait's multinational mobile communications company, ranked No. 1219 in the "2014 Global Companies.

Shop online at for fashionable designer watches, jewelry, and handbags for men, women, and kids at great prices. Free shipping and free returns.
Official website of the Ministry of Interior (Immigration, Traffic Control) of Kuwait.

Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) Investment Authority (abbreviation: KIA) is one of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds, established in 1953 and funded primarily by oil proceeds, ranking 6th among the world's major sovereign wealth funds according to the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWF) in February 2014.

Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) Stock Exchange; abbreviation: KSE) Kuwait National Stock Exchange, is formed by several joint stock companies, the law passed in 1962 to become the national stock exchange; officially changed to its current name in 1983.

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