

 current location:Country > Africa > Kenya >
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Kenya and Tanzania tourist routes, regional airlines, African hunting and wildlife.

The Daily Nation is the most influential and highest circulation newspaper in Kenya, and was founded in 1959 under the umbrella of Kenya Nation Media Group Ltd. The website is the official website of the Daily Nation, providing news, business information, education information, blogs and forums, science and technology, special reports, sports, business and trade, jobs and other information.

KEBS:Kenyatta Superintendent's Bureau (Keebs ) was established in July 1974. The Directorate of KEBS is known as the National Standards Committee (NSC). It is the policy-making body that oversees and controls the management and financial management of the Bureau.

KEBS: The Managing Director of the Kenya Superintendency is The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Presidency by broad criteria established within the National Security Council.

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) was established in July 1974. The KEBS Board of Directors is known as the National Standards Council (NSC). It is the policy-making body for supervising and controlling the administration and financial management of the Bureau. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Bureau within the broad guidelines formulated by the NSC.

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KBC website, including news, sports, weather, society, education and lifestyle.
Kenya Airways, providing domestic and international air services.
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