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Channel4|British Channel 4

Channel 4 (UK) Channel 4 is the fourth television station in the United Kingdom, which started broadcasting on November 2, 1982. Although Channel 4 is a public broadcaster, it broadcasts commercial advertisements like private television stations. The establishment of Channel 4 was the product of a compromise between the BBC and independent television stations for the fourth television station in the UK.

Radio 4 started broadcasting with ethnic minorities, youth, intellectuals and other ethnic groups as its audience. Channel 4 has been growing rapidly in the BBC's monopoly of the British media industry with its innovative programme content and format, and has become a unique brand after years of development.

Channel 4 New Media has kept up with the trend of new media changes, combined with the Internet, cell phones and TV, etc., and created many of its own Internet audio and video programs, which are unique in the field of new media and have had a great impact on the British media industry.

UK Live Streaming TV Network

TVplayer:UK Streaming Media TVplayer is a live TV streaming service launched by SimpleStream Group of companies in the UK that supports viewing on smartphones and tablets, including channels such as BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

TvPlayer launched the cell phone side of the application Similar to the domestic box video, it allows users to watch programs for free, with a built-in 7-day program guide and support for setting reminders, all programs are divided into five categories, namely entertainment, news, music, children and movies.

Creative advertiser video sharing platform

ContentMatters: Creative advertisers video sharing platform is a site to share the world's outstanding advertising media works, a collection of a variety of creative advertising clips from around the world, is a worthy collection of advertisers media advertising resources site, advertising producers need to be creative, creative inspiration comes from drawing inspiration from outstanding works to develop their own creativity.

In this site you can not only enjoy Many world-renowned advertising media are sharing their creative ads here, so it can be said to be a hub for creative advertising, these ads are not like the kind of non-nutritional value of the ads broadcast on domestic television, each ad is a small story, in a few short minutes to express the theme of the idea perfectly, how much creativity is needed The cells to complete it? If you like it, take a look at the collection.

ContentMatters - is a site that showcases quality content from the web. It is divided up into videos and articles, but what makes it unique is that it also showcases the agencies behind those videos and articles. Videos are divided into United States and international, and the articles are focused on Videos are divided into United States and international, and the articles are focused on advertising and marketing.

Long Form Paid Movie Platform

The long-form paid movie platform (Distrify) mainly provides paid long-form movies (commercial-free version) to watch, in addition, it also encourages users to share videos for a fee, i.e. if the video shared by the publisher brings new paid purchases, then the video publisher can get a share from Distrify. Therefore, the site is very attractive to the copyright holders of the videos.

Vsauce Curiosity Science Education Website

Vsauce is a person who focuses on the world The high degree of curiosity and look at all things with an observant eye, helping millions of curious babies around the world to understand those strange and wonderful things, but also derived from Vsauce2 and Vsauce3, also have a lot of interesting science videos.

Vsauce was founded by Michael Stevens started the channel in 2007, which is also the oldest YouTube channel in the popular science circle, and probably the first in the field of popular science in terms of subscriptions. In fact, Vsauce began not to do popular science, but the last two or three years began to content is basically a popular science class. The video is a good example of how to make the most of the time. The contents of all disciplines are available, but the most seems to be psychology-related (Michael's profession), and there are many contents that are not necessarily considered popular science but very cool.

The official website of ITV Independent Television

ITV Independent Television UK is a well-known wireless television station in the UK. It is one of the first commercial television stations in the UK and one of the largest integrated television stations in the UK, offering online streaming, ITV archives, news, sports, entertainment, games, soap operas, lifestyle, drama and interactive TV guides.

Independent Television ( ITV's programming is available 24 hours a day and is provided by 16 licensed production companies in 14 television regions across the country, including news, entertainment, sports, culture, technology and other types of programming. ITV has regular cooperation with China's CCTV, Hunan TV, and Hong Kong's ATV.

Life Teaching Video

The website is Video Jug, which mainly uses direct video to provide a platform for users to exchange life experiences, including health, life, work, finance, entertainment, etiquette and all other contents closely related to life.

Documentaries|Best Documentary Video Syndication Network

Documentaries is a concise documentary sharing site that aggregates BBC, Channel 4, Netflix, VICE, YouTube It aggregates selected documentaries from BBC, Channel 4, Netflix, VICE, YouTube, Vimeo and other famous Internet media, allowing users who like to watch documentaries to get their favorite video resources in one stop.

Online Movie Discovery Network

Movieo:Online Movie Exploration Network is It is a website for discovering and exploring movies, based on a database of movies, with the aim of finding our favorite movies and finding the latest information about movies of interest, using a simple interface design and a convenient way to find the right movies for ourselves.

TheMovieDB: TheMovieDB:Movie Database is a historical movie information search site established in 2008, providing high-rate movie posters and movie art images resources.

Movieo supports movie information by time, country, and movie category through The Moviebd movie database, as well as movie ratings and ratings, movie covers, movie clips, movie trailers, and more

YouTube UK
Enjoy your favorite videos and music, upload original content and share it with friends, family and the world.
Reuters Video
Latest news and business videos.
UK Guardian Video
Video reports, documentaries, Guardian interviews and commentary, the world's leading liberal voice.
MTV UK Music Video
Watch high quality music videos from all your favorite artists, covering all genres, all for free.
msn UK Video
msn UK video channel.
CNET video includes HD streaming and downloadable content, the latest technology news, video commentary, CNET programs and more.
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