

Vsauce Curiosity Science Education Website

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brief introduction

Vsauce is a person who focuses on the world The high degree of curiosity and look at all things with an observant eye, helping millions of curious babies around the world to understand those strange and wonderful things, but also derived from Vsauce2 and Vsauce3, also have a lot of interesting science videos.

Vsauce was founded by Michael Stevens started the channel in 2007, which is also the oldest YouTube channel in the popular science circle, and probably the first in the field of popular science in terms of subscriptions. In fact, Vsauce began not to do popular science, but the last two or three years began to content is basically a popular science class. The video is a good example of how to make the most of the time. The contents of all disciplines are available, but the most seems to be psychology-related (Michael's profession), and there are many contents that are not necessarily considered popular science but very cool.

Vsauce Curiosity Science Education Website
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