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Woman's Own

Woman's Own, the UK's leading women's weekly magazine, was launched in 1932 and is published by IPC Media Group, providing information on fashion, beauty, food, entertainment gossip, shopping deals, life stories and travel that is closely related to women.

MAXIM Magazine

Maxim is a famous men's magazine, first published in the UK in 1995, which mainly introduces female celebrities and female models, but also publishes information related to cars, technology and fashion.

UK Jockey Post

The British Racing Post was established in 1986 and focuses on British horse racing news, information on horse racers and race results. It has the characteristics of fast time, wide information, precise content, and active form, and provides customers with a more economical, effective, and convenient and affordable carrier.

Empire Magazine

Empire Magazine (Empire) is It is now published by Bauer Media Group and is one of the most popular film magazines in the UK, with distribution in the US, Australia and Russia.

The Mail on Sunday

The Mailon Sunday; The Mail on Sunday) is a British weekly newspaper, founded in 1982 and published in tabloid format, a conservative newspaper with an annual circulation of around 1.2 million copies (2016).

Cover Poster|British Academy of Cover Design Award

The Academy of British Cover Design Award (TheAcademy of British Cover Design (ABCD)award for outstanding book cover designers establishedbook cover designers Jon Gary and Jamie Keenan from 2014

Since 2014, book cover designersJon Gary and Jamie Keenan began the British Academy of Cover Design Awards, havingdesigned coversforbooks byKafka, J.K. Rowling and others. The ABCD awards are divided into 10 categories: children's, young adult, science fiction/fantasy, popular, literary, crime/thriller, series design, classic/reissue, women's fiction, and non-fiction. The new award winners came out on March 2 this year, so let's take a look at these outstanding winners.

They have proposed 20 theories about book cover design, teaching you how to follow these rules to design a good-looking cover, and then the ugly, mediocre pattern when you change the color code to make it into a series of book covers, it is possible to win a design award for anything.

The Times (UK)
The Times, a comprehensive national newspaper in the United Kingdom, is a newspaper with great influence on politics, economics, and culture around the world.
UK Reuters
Reuters, the world's leading news agency.
The Guardian, UK
The Guardian's official website. The Guardian (The Guardian) is a national comprehensive content daily newspaper in the United Kingdom, founded in 1821, because the headquarters in Manchester and called the Manchester Guardian. 1959 changed its name to The Guardian. The Guardian's political views are generally regarded by the public as left-of-center, and the Guardian is valued for its cosmopolitan views, literary reporting and commentary, and foreign correspondence. With the Times, the Daily Telegraph as the three well-known British senior newspapers.
The Economist (UK)
The website of The Economist magazine, which is a famous political and economic magazine with global distribution, mainly about the world political and economic dynamics of the introduction and commentary.
UK Daily Express
The Daily Express, a British national newspaper.
UK Daily Mail
British "Daily Mail" (The Daily Mail), founded in 1896, is a very strong knowledge of the popular daily newspaper, the largest circulation of newspapers throughout Scotland.
UK Daily Telegraph
The Telegraph, a national newspaper known for its "timeliness".
The Sun (UK)
The Sun, a small daily newspaper owned by the News Corporation, which is owned by the wealthy businessman Meredith.
The Observer (UK)
The Observer, a British Sunday newspaper, is one of the best newspapers in England, famous for its international news coverage.
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