

Cover Poster|British Academy of Cover Design Award

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The Academy of British Cover Design Award (TheAcademy of British Cover Design (ABCD)award for outstanding book cover designers establishedbook cover designers Jon Gary and Jamie Keenan from 2014

Since 2014, book cover designersJon Gary and Jamie Keenan began the British Academy of Cover Design Awards, havingdesigned coversforbooks byKafka, J.K. Rowling and others. The ABCD awards are divided into 10 categories: children's, young adult, science fiction/fantasy, popular, literary, crime/thriller, series design, classic/reissue, women's fiction, and non-fiction. The new award winners came out on March 2 this year, so let's take a look at these outstanding winners.

They have proposed 20 theories about book cover design, teaching you how to follow these rules to design a good-looking cover, and then the ugly, mediocre pattern when you change the color code to make it into a series of book covers, it is possible to win a design award for anything.

Cover Poster|British Academy of Cover Design Award
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