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Graphic Chinese Character Teaching Platform

ChinEasy:Graphical Chinese Characters The Teaching Platform is a website that explains the meaning of basic Chinese characters through pictures, vivid images, and can help students master the most basic Chinese characters in the hope of reducing barriers to learning Chinese, promoting East-West communication, and allowing the public to judge for themselves the differences between East and West on sensitive issues such as human rights.

It is not an easy task for foreigners to learn Chinese. In the meantime, Shaolan Xue from Taiwan is working on a project called Chineasy in London to introduce them to the beauty of Chinese characters. Since most Chinese characters are pictographs, she simply turned them into shapes to make them easier to understand and remember. Then, like building blocks, the simple characters were formed into complex characters, which we re learned one by one.

Chineasy divided the Chinese characters into basic parts and illustrated them with vivid images. inside the door to show the person running away, thus explaining the meaning of "Shan".

The founder of Chineasy, Xue Xiaolan, was born in Taipei, is a venture capitalist and now works in London. She is also an avid design enthusiast. She had trouble teaching Chinese to her own children and was determined to invent new ways to help her teach Chinese.

Ms. Xue's design team consists of three members. When they designed the Chineasy teaching cards, they first went through a brainstorming process to find the best interpretation of each word and the best picture solution, and then sent them to Noma Bar for image processing. For each word, Ms. Xue had to go through the actual teaching test of her own children. < ;/p>

Royal Shakespeare Company

The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is the world's largest, most well-organized, best-funded, and most professional theatre company. Founded in 1961 as the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, the company's influence and authority are recognized worldwide. The company is located in Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare, the originator of theater.

London Library

The London The Library is a library in England, located in St. James's Square, London, founded in 1841, and is one of the largest libraries in the world.

Global Land and Sea Topography Database

Global Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), also known as the topographic map of the oceans, is prepared by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) in coordination with the countries concerned, covering 18 topographic maps of 1:10 million (1:6 million for the poles) worldwide.

Oceanic topographic maps provide global topographic data on land and sea. GEBCO data contains land elevation and seawater depth data; land elevation data comes from SRTM30 and GTOPO30 etc., seawater depth data comes from Smith and Sandwell's global topographic data and 290 million seawater depth sounding data.

GEBCO is a joint IHO-IOC-directed general ocean bathymetry project, which aims to establish international cooperation channels through the joint efforts of scientists and oceanographers around the world to complete ocean bottom bathymetry and "GEBCO Electronic Atlas". TSCOM and SCRUM are two sub-committees under GEBCO, TSCOM emphasizes technical research and application in mapping, SCRUM aims to strengthen and coordinate the connection and cooperation between regional mapping working groups and encourage their joint participation in GEBCO's mapping work, which has been held once a year since 1984.

At present, GEBCO has formed a variety of bathymetric datasets and products, including 1 minute, 30 arc second global bathymetric grid datasets, GEBCO electronic atlas, GEBCO world map, and GEBCO seafloor gazetteer, grid browser software, WMS service and IHO-IOC, GEBCO COOK BOOK. GEBCO COOK BOOK.

GEBCO Science and Technology Day mainly showcased the new developments and technologies of the current seabed topography around the world in the form of presentations and exhibition boards. After that, 13 scholars gave presentations on the integration of GOOGLE MAP and ocean, global multi-resolution topographic fusion, visualization technology of bathymetric topographic data, new methods to obtain bathymetric topographic data by applying satellite inversion and other technologies, and extension projects of GEBCO (e.g. education, public awareness). The latest results of GEBCO were presented in the following areas

The joint TSCOM-SCRUM meeting mainly focused on the current GEBCO product status and the follow-up work to explore and verify the responsibilities of the Crowd Source Bathymetry Working Group (CSDWG), the current problems and the follow-up work. The Crowd Source Bathymetry Working Group's responsibilities, current issues and follow-up work plan were identified.

Tate Modern Art Museum

The Tate Modern (Tate Modern (Tate Modern) is the UK's national museum of modern art, established in 2000 and located in London, is one of the world's most visited art museums.

British National Portrait Gallery

The National Portrait Gallery is a famous portrait art gallery in England, established in 1856, near the National Gallery of Art, which mainly collects paintings, drawings, sculptures and other portraits.

Bodley Library

The Bodleian Library, Oxford's main library, was established in 1602 and is one of the largest libraries in England and one of the oldest in Europe. is a comprehensive website about Christmas in the UK, created by James Cooper in 2000. The site focuses on the origins of Christmas, Christmas stories and customs, and fun Christmas games for people who want to learn more about the holiday.

Saatchi Gallery

The Saatchi Gallery (Saatchi Art Museum) is a modern art museum in England, established in 1985 in London, and one of the most popular art museums in the U.K. In 2010, Saatchi announced that he was donating his collection and the gallery to the government.

Cambridge University Library

Cambridge University Library (Cambridge University Library) is the world's top library, since its creation in 1424, its collection of books from the initial seventy-six volumes to the present more than six million volumes. Among them, the library's Chinese collection includes Shang Dynasty oracle bones, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty books, various codices, paintings, topiaries and other cultural relics, many of which are rare.

Museum of London

London Museum (Museum of London) officially opened in 1976, has been operating as a social and urban history museum, by the early City Hall Museum and the Museum of London after the Second World War merged to form.

British Museum of Natural History official website

The British Natural History Museum ( The Natural History Museum is a natural history museum in the European group, with about 40 million specimens of plants and animals and rocks and minerals from all over the world, including more than 7 million paleontological fossil specimens, 500,000 kinds of books and journals in the library, and a large number of early natural research manuscripts and drawings and other valuable items.

The British Museum of Natural History is also a world class The museum is also a world-class tourist attraction and a leading research center with a unique collection and unparalleled professional level specimen solutions; located in South Kensington, southwest of central London, next to Hyde Park. The museum has a total building area of more than 40,000 square meters and houses approximately 70 million specimens from around the world, including 28 million insect specimens.

The museum has 20 large exhibition halls, including six aspects of paleontology, minerals, plants, animals, ecology and humans. The central hall is the modern life science exhibition hall, with the use of the landscape, exhibition cabinets to introduce evolution and anthropological knowledge. 1 floor right wing exhibition hall display paleontological fossil specimens, it exhibits ichthyosaur, snake neck dragon, 5 meters tall tyrannosaurus rex, extremely small body of the new jaws, tail up to 17 meters pterosaur and complete skeleton of the first bird; left wing exhibition hall display modern animals, including marine non-cervical vertebrates, fish, birds and reptiles. The left side of the 2nd floor exhibits mammals, among which the more outstanding are the African tropical grassland animals and the Australian marsupials; the right side exhibits minerals, rocks, gems, marbles and a special room for meteorites.

The British Museum of Natural History had a staff of 750 in 1978, including 300 scientists of all kinds working in five research departments: zoology, entomology, paleontology, mineralogy, and botany. In addition to indoor research in their own disciplines, scientists also organize and participate in field research activities. The museum is one of the international taxonomic centers for the study of plants, animals and minerals and is used by scholars from all over the world. It identifies and names plants, animals, and minerals, studies theories of affinities between species and biological evolution, and works on practical problems in medicine, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining, and oil exploration.

World Memory Championships Official Website

World Memory Championships) is the world's highest level of memory competitions, initiated by "the father of world memory" Tony Bozen and Raymond Keane, Chairman of the World Sports Council (WMSC) in London, England in 1991, the tournament awarded the internationally recognized and can be used worldwide " World Memory Master" certificate.

The World Brain Championship has grown from its original seven-player event to the World Memory Championships. Thousands of competitors from all over the world have participated. Today, this event has become the world's most prestigious brain sports event, attracting participants and spectators from different countries and becoming the focus of media attention from all over the world.

The tournament has been held for 24 consecutive years, the previous tournaments have been highly regarded, which has strongly promoted the development of the world's brain sports, and promoted the exchange and promotion of brain sports achievements in the world. It is reported that the world records generated in the competition will be directly recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records without the need to approve, "World Memory Master" certificate has become the only certificate recognized by various countries and used worldwide in the brain power sector!

The World Brain Championship includes ten events, including headshots, binary numbers, random numbers, abstract shapes, fast numbers, virtual date events, random poker, random vocabulary, dictation numbers, fast poker, etc., in the form of a point system, which is a comprehensive examination of the memory, attention, observation, imagination, etc. of the players. The game is based on a point system, which examines memory, attention, observation, imagination and creativity.

The World Brain Championship has been successfully held in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Mexico, Singapore and other countries for 25 times, after years of precipitation, to promote the development of brain sports. In recent years, China has achieved a series of good results, in the 2010 World Brain Power Championships, Wang Feng won the championship with a total score of 9486 points breaking the record for the highest score in the championship.

National Gallery, London, UK

NationalGallery The National Gallery in London is located directly north of Trafalgar Square in central London, England, and is comparable to the National Palace Museum directly north of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The National Gallery, also known as the National Gallery of London, was established in 1824.

At that time there were only 38 paintings, from these by George From these 38 works, which were purchased by George IV to convince the government to purchase Rembrandt, Lal and others, the museum has gradually expanded to become a national museum with a collection of paintings as its main focus. Founded in 1824, it is a national museum located in the center of London on the north side of Trafalgar Square, mainly to collect paintings, divided into four wings in the southeast and northwest, in chronological order, with works mainly between 1260 and 1900.

The National Gallery of England has a large collection of European oil paintings, from late medieval and Italian Renaissance painters to French Impressionist painters, all the major traditions of Western European oil paintings are represented, with famous works including Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna of the Rock and Michelangelo's Burial.

There is no charge for admission to the National Gallery, which is free to donate. For further background commentary on major works, you can pick up a portable tour from the desk at the National Gallery of England at no charge.

The Sainsbury wing, whose appearance was heavily criticized by Prince Charles, is home to the Micro Gallery, which offers a computer query service and is the National Gallery's most complete electronic art encyclopedia.

London Book Fair

London Book Fair) is a well-known international book fair, held since 1971, held in London, England, in April each year, is a copyright trade book fair, there are more than 100 countries and regions of more than 1,000 exhibitors to participate in the event.

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