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Ansa Society

Ansa (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata, ANSA), known as the Italian National Newspaper Association, was founded in 1945 by a coalition of 12 Italian daily newspapers that broadcast news in five languages: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.

Parterre de Rois Italian Art and Culture Magazine

"Parterre de Rois Parterre de Rois is a magazine on art and culture from Italy, co-founded by Molly Molloy and Gianni Tozzi, focusing on the pop culture that everyone is talking about. But the way the discussion unfolds is unique, with pictures as the main focus, supplemented by very little text.

The two founders, Molly Molloy and Gianni Tozzi explain their magazine this way: It's more like a picture dinner, with one word on the menu. The word, which is printed on the cover of the magazine, is also the theme of each issue. So, the moment you get the magazine, you know what it's about, and then you open it up and focus on the pictures. For modern people, this way of reading is both familiar and new. quot;Cover of the Year" magazine, the theme is "Happiness". The cover is an abstract smiley face, and the content inside is a visual representation of the invited "contributors". There are random pen drawings, colorful collages, installation art, and simple photographs.

Their first issue is even more playful, with the gimmicky word, "flesh" as the theme. The people invited to interpret this word is also very interesting, in addition to photographers, musicians, illustrators, directors, calligraphers and other objects, neuroscientists, tattoo artists and butchers also participated in it. Only four copies of the magazine have been published so far. The concise, single-word theme is surprising in its diversity of invited subjects and its visual impact.

Online World City Weather Forecast

TypoWeather.:Online World City Future Weather Forecast is a very simple weather forecast website that supports weather lookup services for all major cities in the world. It uses a text-only display to show weather changes for the next 5 days, with 3-hour intervals for each time of day, and supports multilingual versions.

Although there is no Chinese language, it is still quite convenient to use. You only need to use Pinyin to enter your city to search and display the local weather for the next 5 days, or you can use Google Translate to automatically translate it, which is also completely understandable.

Italian Broadcast Television, Inc.

Rai-Radiotelevisione Italiana, also known as Radiotelevi-sione Italiana, or RAI for short, is the largest Italian television network and public broadcaster. RAI has five main channels - RAI1-RAI5;

AGI News Agency

AGI News Agency is one of Italy's leading news agencies, founded in 1950, covering business, finance, politics, sports, culture, entertainment, etc. The agency is part of the Eni Group. Headquartered in Rome, it provides timely, complete and reliable news and events coverage.

La Repubblica Italiana

La Repubblica is one of the largest national daily newspapers in Italy, second only to the largest Italian newspaper La Stampa. La Repubblica was founded in 1976 and is headquartered in Rome. La Repubblica regularly publishes rankings of Italian universities, including professional and general rankings.

Italian Color Trends Magazine

Colorsmagazine: Italian color trends magazine was founded in 1991 by photographers Oliviero Toscani and Tibor Kalman. There is no way to count how many people it has influenced, because its distribution channels are mysterious and rare, yet it is widely talked about and read. Legend doesn't begin to describe Colors Magazine.

Italian New China Times Online

Xinhua Italy is a famous Chinese newspaper and media in Italy, co-organized by Xinhua Italy, Xinhua Media Network and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, which is an important channel to understand Chinese in Italy. The website is mainly composed of Italian Chinese business, Italian Chinese, Italian news, overseas Chinese community dynamics, overseas Chinese groups, Xinhua Times, poetry, calligraphy and painting, content search, visitor messages and other sections.

Italian Evening Post

The Italian Corriere della Sera is one of Italy's largest national daily newspapers in terms of circulation, founded in March 1876 and headquartered in Milan, the newspaper is known for its independent editorial policy and more detailed and accurate international news.

European Chinese Newspaper

European Chinese Newspaper is a comprehensive Chinese newspaper in Italy, founded by some Italian patriotic Chinese entrepreneurs in June 2004, with headquarters in Milan.

ToiletPaper|toilet paper alternative image magazine

Toilet Paper Magazine is a book by Italian Founded in 2010 by contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan and photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari, the magazine features no text and no advertising, only colorful and playful pictures, making a perfect combination of contemporary art, fashion and publishing.

When you open the magazine, you are immediately attracted by the colorful The magazine's unconventional typography and random mix of strange objects, such as frogs in a hamburger or spilled pasta, all remind people of the works of the highly stylized Cathran. Although this is a magazine, his content is more like an artist's book, like Parkett magazine, leading the way with the artist's sense of beauty.

The most distinctive feature of Toilet Paper Magazine's work is its banter and mockery. His most famous work is a hole dug in an art museum and a horse's head shoved into the wall (below), causing the horse to hang in the air, questioning the absurdity of contemporary art and the space limitations of art museums. Because of the cross-border cooperation, Toilet Paper magazine is more like a brand, leading the trend.

The magazine provides an excellent venue for artists to express their creativity and produce impressive results. The magazine only contains the names of the works and the authors, and all the imagery is presented directly to the reader, with no unnecessary textual descriptions or explanations. This is because the artwork itself believes that the viewer will interpret the meaning of the artwork based on his or her own life experience. The journal believes in aesthetic ability, not textual ability, so that creativity can stimulate each other.

is an international network, this magazine engages readers with emotional, rich content that brings design innovation and fashion trends together.

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