

Hungarian National Library

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brief introduction

The Széchényi National Library ( The National Széchényi Library is Hungary's national library, founded in 1802, and the first national library in Hungary; it contains all the valuable materials related to Hungary, including the earliest surviving handwritten Hungarian eulogies in Latin.

The "National Széchenyi Library" is located in the Hungarian The National Library of Hungary, located in the capital city of Budapest, has a long history and was founded in 1802 under the patronage of Count Ferenc Szechenyi, a Hungarian nobleman, to commemorate his support for the founding of the library. The library is dedicated to the collection of all literature related to Hungary.

At the end of the 18th century, Count Szechenyi was distressed by the fact that Hungarian books were scattered both at home and abroad, and spared no expense to collect them and donate them to the state in 1802, the same year that the Franz Szechenyi Library was opened to the public. In the same year, Franz Széchenyi Library was opened to the public. Count Széchenyi's patriotic behavior in the country aroused a strong reaction, the entire Hungarian society mobilized, through personal donations, and strive to improve the collection of Széchenyi Library.

At the same time, the National Assembly decided to set up a broader scope of documentary institutions, so in 1808 the Hungarian National Museum was established, responsible for the collection of Hungarian historical, archaeological and natural monuments, the previously established Franz Széchenyi Library is also included in it. The Franz Széchenyi Library was also included in the collection. It was not until 1949 that the library became an independent institution again under the name of the National Széchenyi Library and was moved to the Buda Castle Palace in 1985.

The National Széchenyi Library has a collection of works written in various languages and published in Hungary, as well as all works published in Hungarian and foreign languages related to Hungary in the world. The collection includes books, newspapers and periodicals, sheet music, manuscripts, maps, pictures, engravings, sound recordings, microfilm reproductions, etc., totaling 8 million volumes (pieces).

The special collection contains the first book printed in Hungary in 1473, 8,500 printed copies before 1711, 1,700 antique books, and some famous manuscripts. At the same time, the library also pays great attention to digital construction, preserving some precious documentary materials in electronic form and providing high quality internet and online services.

Hungarian National Library
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