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Book Reading Tracking Management Application

Book Out is a mobile app that helps users Book Out is a mobile application that helps users track and manage their books, allowing them to develop reading habits and understand your overall progress through extraordinary data, which is actually an extraordinary infographic for each book you read.

1. Track and manage all the books in your library;

2. Track your reading in real time and start reading progress daily;

3. Add citations and ideas for each book;

4. Insight into massive reading data: total reading time, total pages read, reading speed, daily reading time, etc.;

6. Set monthly/yearly goals;7. Keep you motivated and read more books by unlocking achievements;

8. Generate extraordinary infographics for each book you read.

In addition to the above features, Bookout has a great sticker pack, use it to fun and easy to show your reading ideas, here it should be reminded that the application is a book management application, and reading applications or a clear distinction, do not take as a reader to understand.

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