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Singapore Civil Defence Force

is part of the National Civil Defense Program, which began in It was established in 1988 as part of the National Civil Defense Program, under the Ministry of the Interior, and is responsible for providing emergency services in times of peace and emergencies.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force undertakes a range of important It provides fire, rescue and ambulance services, formulates and implements fire safety planning, implements and maintains a civilian-wide alarm and defense system, and plans and conducts fire safety education and training for all.

The Government of the Republic of Singapore ( Republic of Singapore) is a city-state island nation in South East Asia, the site is the executive arm of Singapore, consisting of the President and Cabinet. Although the President can exercise his own powers to ensure that the Cabinet and Parliament continue to operate as usual.


The Cabinet, which is generally responsible for directing and controlling the government, consists of the Prime Minister and other Cabinet ministers appointed by the President in consultation with the Prime Minister. They are from the party that won the most seats in the general election. According to the Singapore Constitution, Singapore has a unicameral parliamentary (cabinet) system of government, a unitary system of representative democracy, classified as a Westminster system.

The three branches of government of the Singaporean state are separated, and the President of Singapore is elected by direct popular vote as head of state for a six-year term, renewable once. The Prime Minister is elected from the majority party in Parliament and leads a Cabinet with executive powers and an independent Public Service Commission to manage the employment and discipline of civil servants. The Prime Minister of Singapore elects his cabinet ministers from among the members of Parliament.

Singapore People's Action Party

People's Action Party (PAP) is a prominent political party in Singapore, founded in 1954 by the English-educated middle class who returned from England; from 1963 to 1965, when Singapore was part of the Malaysian Federation, the party existed as a Malaysian political party.

Singapore Immigration Department Official Website

The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA), is responsible for The Immigration and Registration Authority of Singapore is responsible for the inspection and processing of immigration personnel, cargo, air, sea, travel documents, identity cards, etc.

Singapore Bar Association

The Law Society of Singapore (LS) is a non-mandatory registration association for lawyers, both practicing and non-practicing. Its purpose is to uphold the rule of law, to ensure that the conduct of its members meets the standards of legal practitioners, and to urge lawyers to adhere to ethical and legal standards. However, the association does not have no compulsory use.

Singapore Ministry of Transport

The Ministry of Transport (Ministry of Transport) is a department of the Singapore government, located in the PSA building, mainly responsible for monitoring the development and regulations of civil aviation, water and land transport, including the Air Transport Department, Land Transport Department, Air Accident Investigation Department, International Relations and Security Department.

Singapore Presidency Official Website

is the official residence of the President, built in 1867 Named "Istana", which means "palace" in Malay, this magnificent, ornate building combines a variety of design styles and is located on Orchard Road in Singapore.

It is open to the public regularly every year to see You can view a variety of birds, insects, plants and artificial landscapes, and learn about the history of the Presidential Palace.

Meteorological Department of Singapore official website

The Meteorological Service Singapore ( Meteorological Service Singapore is Singapore's national authority on weather and climate, and is the operational arm of the National Environment Agency of Singapore. Its goal is to become a world-class weather center of excellence, providing the public with safe and accurate information to improve the quality of public life.

The main departments of the Meteorological Department of Singapore are:& Weather Services Department: specializes in providing 24/7 weather forecasts, alerts, monitoring and assessments for the aviation, military, maritime and other public sectors;

2. Weather Systems Department: provides support for the installation of weather equipment and computer systems. The Meteorological Systems Department supports the installation of meteorological equipment and computer systems to meet the operational and technical requirements of the Bureau of Meteorology;

3. The Risk and Resources Department analyzes climate risks and evaluates their impact from a corporate/organizational perspective and in relation to environmental/natural hazards;

4. amp;gt;4. Singapore Climate Research Centre: a leading center for tropical climate and weather research, with a focus on Southeast Asia.

The Meteorological Department of Singapore has launched a weather information website that is updated every five minutes to give the public a more comprehensive view of local weather conditions from now on. Through the website, users can get accurate weather forecasts, warnings about thunderstorms, the occurrence of smog and geological hazards, and long-term climate statistics.

National Library Board of Singapore

(NLB) was established in 1995 It manages the National Library, public network libraries and customer libraries in Singapore, providing convenient and trustworthy library and information services to readers in the country and around the world.

The National Library Board currently oversees the National With 2.1 million library members, the NLA currently oversees the National Library, 3 regional libraries, 23 community libraries, 10 school and academic libraries, etc. The NLA is working to actively promote the vitality and creativity that Singapore's knowledge-based society needs.

Singapore Ministry of Transport Official Website

(Ministry of Transport) is the government department that manages transportation in Singapore and is responsible for the development and supervision of the aviation, maritime and land sectors. Singapore is well-connected and is an important entrepôt in the world and an aviation center that connects all continents.

Singapore Chinese Doctors Association

Singapore Chinese Physicains' Association (SCPA), the most authoritative organization of Chinese medicine in Singapore, was established in 1946 to promote academic research in Chinese medicine, to nurture Chinese medicine talents, to elaborate and improve Chinese medical techniques, and to develop the righteousness of Chinese medicine. It aims to promote academic research in Chinese medicine, nurture Chinese medicine talents, promote and improve Chinese medicine techniques, develop voluntary clinics, and promote cooperation and exchange between Singapore Chinese medicine practitioners and international Chinese medicine practitioners. The Association has branches such as the Chinese Hospital, the College of Chinese Medicine, the Institute of Chinese Medicine, and the Chinese MST Institute. The website is available in English and Chinese.

APEC Official Website

Apec:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is Apec:APEC is the most influential official forum for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and the highest-level intergovernmental economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region. Initially established as a regional economic forum and consultative body, after more than a decade of development, it has gradually evolved into an important forum for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

APEC was born at the end of the global Cold War in the 1980s. In the late 1980s, with the end of the Cold War, the international situation became more moderate, and the trend of economic globalization, trade and investment liberalization and regional grouping gradually became the trend. At the same time, the proportion of Asia in the world economy also increased significantly. In this context, in January 1989, Australian Prime Minister John Hawke proposed to convene a ministerial meeting in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss the issue of strengthening mutual economic cooperation.

APEC adopts the principle of voluntary, consensual cooperation, and decisions made must be unanimously endorsed by the members. The organizational structure of APEC includes informal leaders' meetings, ministerial meetings, senior officials' meetings, committees and thematic working groups. The informal leaders' meeting is the highest level of APEC.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (full name: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; abbreviation: APEC) is the most influential economic organization in the Asia-Pacific region, founded in November 5-7, 1989, headquartered in Singapore It was originally a ministerial-level meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) held in Canberra, Australia, by six countries - Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and ASEAN - and later changed its name in June 1993. In November 1991, China joined the organization as a sovereign state, when Taipei, China and Hong Kong (renamed "Hong Kong, China" since July 1, 1997) formally joined the organization as regional economies.

Bridge Alliance

Bridge Alliance is a mobile alliance in the Asia-Pacific region, founded in 2004 and headquartered in Singapore, with telecom operators from 34 countries and regions (2017 data), covering about 800 million users, mainly to provide users with convenient and fast international roaming services, so that all The main purpose is to provide users with convenient and fast international roaming services, so that all members of the alliance can roam each other's networks.

Singapore Ministry of Finance Official Website

(Ministry of Finance) official website, under the section about us, policy information, public consultation, frequently asked questions, etc., and provides a wealth of budget, government spending, tax information. It also provides a wealth of information on budget, government spending, taxation, etc.

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