

APEC Official Website

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brief introduction

Apec:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is Apec:APEC is the most influential official forum for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and the highest-level intergovernmental economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region. Initially established as a regional economic forum and consultative body, after more than a decade of development, it has gradually evolved into an important forum for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

APEC was born at the end of the global Cold War in the 1980s. In the late 1980s, with the end of the Cold War, the international situation became more moderate, and the trend of economic globalization, trade and investment liberalization and regional grouping gradually became the trend. At the same time, the proportion of Asia in the world economy also increased significantly. In this context, in January 1989, Australian Prime Minister John Hawke proposed to convene a ministerial meeting in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss the issue of strengthening mutual economic cooperation.

APEC adopts the principle of voluntary, consensual cooperation, and decisions made must be unanimously endorsed by the members. The organizational structure of APEC includes informal leaders' meetings, ministerial meetings, senior officials' meetings, committees and thematic working groups. The informal leaders' meeting is the highest level of APEC.

APEC Official Website
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