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National Archaeological Museum of Athens

The National Archaeological Museum, Athens, a famous Greek museum built in 1889, is located in the center of Athens and has a rich collection of ancient Greek artifacts.

Cultural Network of the Ancient Marketplace Sites of Athens

Agathe:The Site of the Ancient Bazaar of Athens The Cultural Network is a prehistoric site in Athens and the political, commercial, administrative, social, religious and cultural center of the Athenian city-state. The purpose of the site is to excavate the ancient buildings and restore its history in its entirety.

The ancient marketplace of Athens was the heart of the ancient Athenian city-state. There are many temples, altars and buildings such as the Civic Council Chamber, the Archives, the General's Office, etc. The more complete Temple of Tissius, built in the 5th century, still has its colonnades and walls. The bazaar is an integral part of the history of the Athenian city-state and shows the life of the ancient Greeks.

The Agathe website documents the excavation history of the market, the archaeologists, the museums, and gives you a comprehensive overview of the ancient history of the Athenian market and the various artifacts excavated.

War Museum of Athens, Greece

The Athens War Museum is a museum of the Greek Armed Forces, established in 1975 for the purpose of exhibiting weapons artifacts and related research on the history of warfare. Its exhibits are displayed in separate galleries according to different periods, including armor and swords used in ancient times, as well as torpedoes and fighter planes used in modern warfare.

The collection of the Athens War Museum covers the period from the The collection of the Athens War Museum covers all phases of Greek war history from the Mycenaean period to the Second World War, and is of great historical research value. The collection includes medieval weapons, Turkish weapons, and 19th century armored weapons. Outside the exhibition room are tanks and six aircraft from the Second World War period.

National Museum of Fine Arts, Athens

The National Gallery of Art in Athens ( National gallery) was built in 1878, dedicated to the conservation of Greek and European art from the 14th century to the 20th century, the establishment of only 117 works exhibited at the University of Athens, in 1896, the jurist and art collector Alexandros Soutzos donated his collection and estate to the Greek government, the museum collection was enriched.

The National Gallery of Athens exhibits mainly Post-Byzantine Greek art (a school of icon painting), but also covers a wide range of works of art by European artists, including gold masks, statues of Athena and other beautiful works of art, including the Renaissance painting collection and its value.

National Archives of Greece

The Greek State Archives (The The General State Archives of Greece, founded in 1914 by the Greek government, preserves the records collected by the Greek government relating to the history, culture and people of Greece.

The Greek State Archives include church records, civil registration, passports, academic records, immigration, residence record statements since the 1850s, pensions, marriage records, and notary public records.

Official Website of the Museum of Athens, Greece

AthensCityMuseum:The Greek Museum of Athens is a modern history museum in Greece, founded by Lambros in 1973, showcasing the modern history of the city of Athens, the oldest and most famous city in Europe, recognized by Europe's leading art collectors and art lovers.

The Athens Museum was opened to the public in 1980. Opened to the public in 1980, the museum has played an active role in the cultural life of the capital since 1990.

Our Museum presents the modern history of Athens, Europe's oldest and most famous city, since it Your tour will also include many other facets of Athenian history, culture, and the history of the city. Your tour will also include many other facets of Athenian history, culture and life.

Several other collections and a series of typical late 19th century- early 20th century sitting and living rooms of Several other collections and a series of typical late 19th century-early 20th century sitting and living rooms of the Athenian aristocracy complete the different aspects of our city offered by the Museum. We thank you for your visit and wish you a pleasant tour in our Museum.

Greek National Library

The National Library of Greece, established in 1832, is the national library of Greece, located in the center of Athens, and houses 4,500 Greek manuscripts.

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