

Cultural Network of the Ancient Marketplace Sites of Athens

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brief introduction

Agathe:The Site of the Ancient Bazaar of Athens The Cultural Network is a prehistoric site in Athens and the political, commercial, administrative, social, religious and cultural center of the Athenian city-state. The purpose of the site is to excavate the ancient buildings and restore its history in its entirety.

The ancient marketplace of Athens was the heart of the ancient Athenian city-state. There are many temples, altars and buildings such as the Civic Council Chamber, the Archives, the General's Office, etc. The more complete Temple of Tissius, built in the 5th century, still has its colonnades and walls. The bazaar is an integral part of the history of the Athenian city-state and shows the life of the ancient Greeks.

The Agathe website documents the excavation history of the market, the archaeologists, the museums, and gives you a comprehensive overview of the ancient history of the Athenian market and the various artifacts excavated.

Cultural Network of the Ancient Marketplace Sites of Athens
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