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Uptodown|multi-system software application download network

Uptodown is a Spanish Uptodown is a software download provider in Spain, providing applications for Android, Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, iPhone, Webapps, and is currently one of the most comprehensive download sites for multi-system software in the world, and supports multiple languages.

According to the Spanish daily newspaper Cinco días 2016.08.09 reported that the Spanish app download network Uptodown has become one of the main competitors of the U.S. app store Google Play, with a total of 1 billion downloads of Uptodown apps last year, a record that was broken in the first half of this year.

Luis Hernández, co-founder of Uptodown, said that the number of downloads will exceed 2 billion this year, still due to the Christmas event in the second half of the year, which usually increases downloads by more than 10% per month.

According to Alexa's international ranking, Uptodown has become the most visited website in Spain, ranking 170th in the world, even ahead of Cnet Technology Information Network or Softonic.

Hernández pointed out that the site is now visited more than 110 million times a month, while the app downloads are more than 170 million, and it is also the second largest online platform for downloading Android apps, after Google.

Wireless WiFi Network Interconnection Platform

BeWiFi:Wireless WiFi Network The Internet Platform is a Wi-Fi network aggregation project created by Telefonica, a Spanish telecommunications company, to share unused networks to enhance people's bandwidth. People's broadband networks are not 100% available all the time. If you can aggregate them together and then manage the remaining bandwidth smartly (it) becomes a much better user experience.

Any kind of network idleness is a waste for Internet bugs. For example, the network at night can be given to the night owls to use. The idea of contributing the idle network to form a larger network for your own convenience and for the benefit of others? This idea is like the popular P2P download.

Currently, BeWiFi is still a bit cumbersome to implement, as users have to install a router in their room that supports the BeWiFi solution. The installation process of the router is also quite complicated and requires the help of Telefonica engineers to complete.

The biggest barrier to BeWiFi right now is user acceptance of the idea. It's a lot like the early P2P sharing communities. The more users who are willing to open up their private networks through BeWiFi, the greater the bandwidth of the shared network and the faster the speed of the network; conversely, if no one is willing to share and take risks, then the idea of BeWiFi will be a total bust. So, Rodriguez said, BeWiFi needs to be tried in some densely populated areas first.

"More people on board can double the bandwidth of the network, and we can get valuable feedback from that." Rodriguez says that in the process of testing BeWiFi, they made some interesting discoveries. For example, they had previously speculated that users might be using the network on a large scale at the same time, but in fact network usage was very sporadic and scattered, meaning BeWiFi could aggregate more idle networks.

Currently Telefonica has over 200 million users in 14 countries in South America, and it continues to expand. This large user base gives BeWiFi the potential to reach even more users. "If more people join, then it can serve people better." Rodriguez is confident in BeWiFi.

BeWifi allows getting spare megas from other users in order to increase the speed of your connection at home. With more speed you will enjoy a movie online without interruptions; you will be able to make video calls or downloading large files.

& lt;p>BeWifi redistributes the network capacity users don't use to offer it to you when you need more. Only the megas people didn't use are redistributed and you can always count on 100% of your connection - besides of the megas that users around are not using.

Global Earthquake Tracking Network

Earthquake The Earthquake Track website is a platform based on global earthquake monitoring and prediction. All earthquake data comes from the U.S. Geological Survey, and users can view earthquake monitoring data from around the world in real time through the website, as well as look up historical earthquake information and use a map model to visually mark earthquake sites.

Earthquakes have no warning, but can rip through the ground and devour lives in just a few seconds. Earthquakes are one of the most feared natural disasters, and they are still unpredictable. If mankind could predict such a major disaster, perhaps millions of lives could be saved. Some people think they can predict earthquakes, and they continue to stir up controversy and sometimes appear to be a bit eccentric: they are earthquake trackers. It seems that few earthquakes are caught, and while earthquake forecasting will bring undoubted benefits to mankind, and the enthusiasm for forecasting will not diminish, its accuracy has not been proven.

All countries in the world have earthquake monitoring departments, and with the frequency of earthquakes in recent years, many earthquake-related websites have appeared on the Internet, where users can obtain earthquake data according to the earthquake monitoring agencies of different countries, allowing users to freely inquire and understand the grasp of information about earthquakes in the world. This allows users to freely search and understand the information about earthquakes in the world.

Spain Android software download station

AppsZoom:Spain Android software download site is a download site to provide many free Android system cell phone software, the site from the Google market filtered to a large number of excellent APP applications, providing multi-language version, for users to find more and more excellent Android software.

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Download all available Android apps in the Android Market for your Android device.

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Children's Online Safety Management Platform

KidBox:Children's Internet Safety Management The platform is an application to protect children's online safety, each family will have a separate account, parents can create up to five profiles according to the child's age, gender and other information to protect children online from infringement of the trouble.

KidBox application can be used on Any computer. Through this application, parents can keep track of their children's online information. Alan Kind, who developed the app, said he went through a lot of legal information about children's learning before developing it.

The issue of children's online safety has become a global problem, and he launched the app to create a balance between children and parents. The application is designed for children and can be used for up to 8 years. Its main function is to ensure the safety of children online.

Keeping children safe online means that parents can keep track of when their children are online, what they are doing online, and what their browsing preferences are. Most parents support their children's Internet access, but because of the unstable environment of the current Internet, parents are worried. KidBox is a piece of mind for parents.

KidBox application currently has two versions: free version and paid version. The difference is that the paid version of the application supports video mail. So far, there are 30 countries using the application. Among them, 20% of the households come from Mexico and 15% from Argentina.

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