

Wireless WiFi Network Interconnection Platform

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brief introduction

BeWiFi:Wireless WiFi Network The Internet Platform is a Wi-Fi network aggregation project created by Telefonica, a Spanish telecommunications company, to share unused networks to enhance people's bandwidth. People's broadband networks are not 100% available all the time. If you can aggregate them together and then manage the remaining bandwidth smartly (it) becomes a much better user experience.

Any kind of network idleness is a waste for Internet bugs. For example, the network at night can be given to the night owls to use. The idea of contributing the idle network to form a larger network for your own convenience and for the benefit of others? This idea is like the popular P2P download.

Currently, BeWiFi is still a bit cumbersome to implement, as users have to install a router in their room that supports the BeWiFi solution. The installation process of the router is also quite complicated and requires the help of Telefonica engineers to complete.

The biggest barrier to BeWiFi right now is user acceptance of the idea. It's a lot like the early P2P sharing communities. The more users who are willing to open up their private networks through BeWiFi, the greater the bandwidth of the shared network and the faster the speed of the network; conversely, if no one is willing to share and take risks, then the idea of BeWiFi will be a total bust. So, Rodriguez said, BeWiFi needs to be tried in some densely populated areas first.

"More people on board can double the bandwidth of the network, and we can get valuable feedback from that." Rodriguez says that in the process of testing BeWiFi, they made some interesting discoveries. For example, they had previously speculated that users might be using the network on a large scale at the same time, but in fact network usage was very sporadic and scattered, meaning BeWiFi could aggregate more idle networks.

Currently Telefonica has over 200 million users in 14 countries in South America, and it continues to expand. This large user base gives BeWiFi the potential to reach even more users. "If more people join, then it can serve people better." Rodriguez is confident in BeWiFi.

BeWifi allows getting spare megas from other users in order to increase the speed of your connection at home. With more speed you will enjoy a movie online without interruptions; you will be able to make video calls or downloading large files.

& lt;p>BeWifi redistributes the network capacity users don't use to offer it to you when you need more. Only the megas people didn't use are redistributed and you can always count on 100% of your connection - besides of the megas that users around are not using.

Wireless WiFi Network Interconnection Platform
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