

current location:Country > Asia > Hong > Soccer >
Hong Kong Sina - Football
Hong Kong soccer channel, providing news and pictures of La Liga, Serie A, English Premier League, Bundesliga, etc.
Hong Kong Rangers Football Team
Hong Kong Rangers Football Club, providing club news, game time, player information and video information.
Yahoo! Hong Kong - Football
Football provides information on the English Premier League, Italian, German, Spanish and French European leagues.
Provides football news, odds, tips and results announcements, database and more. (use agent)
Hong Kong Football Association
Promoting and developing football in Hong Kong, with fixtures, results, first division clubs and interviews, with information on Liverpool v Hong Kong matches.
Hong Kong Forum - Football
Discusses English football matches, mainly the "English Premier League", and includes the League Cup, FA Cup, League One and League Two, and the Champions League.
Hong Kong Liverpool Fan Club
Provides club news, season schedules, historical information, and live TV schedules.
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