

current location:Country > Asia > Hong > Government >
Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department
Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department website.
Hong Kong Water Supplies Department
Provides water supply services in Hong Kong, including WSD introduction, account application, news and customer services.
Hong Kong Judiciary
Provides an introduction to the Hong Kong Judiciary, court information, trial case enquiries, jury profiles, judgments and reference legal information, etc.
Hong Kong Legislative Council
The legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Its main functions are to enact laws; approve and pass budgets, taxation and public expenditure; and monitor the work of the Government.
Insurance & Management Office
Insurance Department
Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
To deal with foreign affairs relating to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for which the Central People's Government is responsible.
Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department
Official website of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department.
Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority
Official website of the Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority.
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