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Email Data Backup Tool

YippieMove:Email Data Backup Tool is an extremely simple mail transfer tool that can transfer mail from multiple mailboxes to a new mailbox, especially for replacement jobs, etc.

Yippiemove is not free. It costs $9.95 per account, but it's a great value because the backups include not only the contents of each email, but also the attachments in the email.

YippieMove has moved to developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to provide enterprise customers with an API interface for mail transfer. As long as the enterprise mailbox is installed with the client software, users can easily transfer the mailbox contents by just logging in and clicking a few times.

Currently YippieMove supports more than 100 mainstream mailbox providers, and as long as the mailbox providers support IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol), it can carry out perfect mail transfer.

Online website dynamic update alert tool

VisualPing:Online Website Dynamic update reminder tool is a tool to help users subscribe to content update reminders for websites without RSS functionality. Through simple settings, you can monitor whether a website has content updates and notify users via email alerts.

Want to track if a site has updates or changes? What's the best way to do this? The RSS feed is a familiar method, but if the site itself does not have an RSS function, how can you receive updates to the site in the first place? VisualPing can help you "monitor" whether a web page has been updated or changed, and then notify you by Email in the first place.

In the past, we may open the website we want to track in the browser tab, and keep rearranging the web pages to find out if there are any updates, but this is very time-consuming. You can also set the intensity of the triggers.

VisualPing can be used to track price changes or whether a product has been launched. For example, if you want to shop online for a bargain and are not sure when a low price discount will appear on the site, you can use VisualPing to help you monitor it.

After opening VisualPing, enter the web link you want to monitor at the top and click Go!

Then pull the web page to the bottom, there are three items that need to be set:

1. Check Interval: Check the frequency of the web page, there are three types: hourly, daily and weekly.

2. Trigger: Adjusts the intensity of the trigger points, from Tiny Change to Major Change, to see how big the web page update happens before you need to be notified.

3、Send Notifications To: Set the Email to receive notifications.

After setting up, click Start Monitoring!

When the following screen appears, the monitoring plan is set up and the site can be closed at this time. Once VisualPing finds that the page you have set up has changed or been updated, it will automatically send you an Email notification.

Tools for Document Management and Knowledge Organization

Citavi:Literature Management and Knowledge The organization tool is a specialized software used to manage Literature, from literature search to the completion of the entire research process; after installation, you can directly retrieve information about the books you use from other universities' databases.

Citavi software, once installed, can After the installation of Citavi software, you can directly retrieve the information of the books you use from the database of other universities, or generate the information of the books you find on the internet including google books with one click. Finally, after completing your thesis, you can generate Literaturverzeichnis directly.

Citavi searches over 4000 library catalogs and databases of all major information providers. Lets you effortlessly grab citations, quotes, and images. Expand your knowledge base quickly.

Also lets you add PDF articles for reference, find your own bibliographic information, retrieve full text online, and support creating screenshots of web pages in PDF format. The flexible classification system makes it easy to give systematic recommendations and publications, providing great help for long-term projects, dissertations, and broader research projects.

citavi allows teams to share work projects, ensuring that you can work as a team securely on your local network, and also assign tasks to each project group. It can automatically generate paper formats with over 1000 citation styles. It also supports the insertion of properly formatted citations and bibliographies.

End-to-end encrypted mail platform

ProtonMail:Terminal to End-to-end encrypted email platform is a terminal-to-end encrypted email system developed under the guidance of MIT entrepreneurship, based in Switzerland and based on Swiss privacy law to protect the privacy of emails, which is very useful for users with high basic security requirements.

The issue of secure email has been mentioned a lot in these years. ProtonMail provides end-to-end email encryption solution and announces it is free forever.

ProtonMail was founded in summer 2013 at CERN by scientists who were drawn together by a shared vision of a more secure and private Internet. Early ProtonMail hackathons were held at the famous CERN Restaurant One. ProtonMail is developed both at CERN and MIT and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. We were semifinalists in the 2014 MIT 100K startup launch competition and are advised by the MIT Venture Mentoring Service.

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