

Tools for Document Management and Knowledge Organization

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brief introduction

Citavi:Literature Management and Knowledge The organization tool is a specialized software used to manage Literature, from literature search to the completion of the entire research process; after installation, you can directly retrieve information about the books you use from other universities' databases.

Citavi software, once installed, can After the installation of Citavi software, you can directly retrieve the information of the books you use from the database of other universities, or generate the information of the books you find on the internet including google books with one click. Finally, after completing your thesis, you can generate Literaturverzeichnis directly.

Citavi searches over 4000 library catalogs and databases of all major information providers. Lets you effortlessly grab citations, quotes, and images. Expand your knowledge base quickly.

Also lets you add PDF articles for reference, find your own bibliographic information, retrieve full text online, and support creating screenshots of web pages in PDF format. The flexible classification system makes it easy to give systematic recommendations and publications, providing great help for long-term projects, dissertations, and broader research projects.

citavi allows teams to share work projects, ensuring that you can work as a team securely on your local network, and also assign tasks to each project group. It can automatically generate paper formats with over 1000 citation styles. It also supports the insertion of properly formatted citations and bibliographies.

Tools for Document Management and Knowledge Organization
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