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EasyBabyLife: EasyBabyLife is a website dedicated to infant and toddler parenting, founded by two mothers, the website was established in 2006, in view of their own experience in child rearing and founded to allow young mothers to easily raise their babies through scientific and reasonable ways and methods.

Every family needs to go through the process of raising a child The website will help you understand and become familiar with how to be a competent mother from the aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and baby care.

Nano Micro Strength Exercise Guidance Platform

NanoWorkOut:nanometer Micro-strength exercise guidance platform is a more popular micro-strength exercise guidance station, in life whether it is doing housework, work, laundry, reading can be achieved through a tiny physical exercise to the most effective exercise.

The Nano Micro Strength Exercise Guidance Platform is for lazy The gospel of the geeks and nerds, busy work and no time to exercise the working class, the site provides a self-initiated physical joint exercise tutorials, illustrated with sample pictures so you can see it! Its characteristics are to let you go anywhere, anytime to do exercise, even sitting on the toilet can exercise.

This popular foreign micro-strength exercise - nanometer exercise, designed to make people's lifestyles healthier and more convenient, without having to sweat it out in the gym! Geeks and nerds do not work for busy, no time, do not love to exercise to find excuses, open the site to follow the examples on the picture to start exercising!

Life in motion, whether it is micro-strength exercise or a large number of fitness exercises have their different effects, with the accelerated pace of life, choose the right way to exercise to make their bodies healthier.

Sweden Hasselblad camera brand

HasselBlad:Hasselblad Sweden The camera brand is a Swedish manufacturer of high-quality cameras, known for the production of medium-format single-lens reflex cameras in the world, the company was founded in 1841. Hasselblad cameras are widely used in professional photographers and high-level amateurs. For more than 50 years, Hasselblad has been dedicated to a very simple task: to produce first-class photographic equipment known to all.

Hasselblad camera Is together with Volvo Cars (Volvo Cars) car, known as the pride of the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. Hasselblad is the favorite of senior professional photographers, especially in the landscape, still life, portraits, advertising and special purpose photography. The combination of the Hasselblad and Carl Zeiss logos represents perfect image quality, precise exposure, smooth operation and unparalleled durability.

Swedish IKEA furniture brand

IKEA:The Swedish IKEA furniture brand is IKEA is an internationally renowned large furniture retailer, founded in Sweden in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad. IKEA offers a wide variety of beautiful and practical home furnishings that are affordable to the general public.

Currently, IKEA products include about 9,500 types of IKEA products are designed to be not only functional, but also beautiful. To date, the IKEA product range has been developed in Sweden. Through the choice of colors and materials, the IKEA collection is not the most popular, but it is modern, functional, still aesthetically pleasing, people-oriented and child-friendly, and represents a fresh, healthy Swedish lifestyle.

DollarStreet|Dollar Street World Family Life Photos

Dollar Street (Dollar Street) is a public service website to help you understand the recent situation of family life in different classes of the world, the website is published by the "Gapminder" Swedish Foundation, the organization visited 264 families in more than 50 countries, collected 30,000 stations of photos, so that people can see the real way of life of different income classes.

" Gapminder" is an independent foundation in Sweden, using reliable statistical books to understand the world, the organization works with universities, the United Nations, public institutions, using a digital perspective to understand the big difference in the world, "Dollar Street" is one of the statistical projects, you can view different pictures according to family, country, to understand the real way of life You can view different pictures according to families and countries to understand the real life style.

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