

DollarStreet|Dollar Street World Family Life Photos

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brief introduction

Dollar Street (Dollar Street) is a public service website to help you understand the recent situation of family life in different classes of the world, the website is published by the "Gapminder" Swedish Foundation, the organization visited 264 families in more than 50 countries, collected 30,000 stations of photos, so that people can see the real way of life of different income classes.

" Gapminder" is an independent foundation in Sweden, using reliable statistical books to understand the world, the organization works with universities, the United Nations, public institutions, using a digital perspective to understand the big difference in the world, "Dollar Street" is one of the statistical projects, you can view different pictures according to family, country, to understand the real way of life You can view different pictures according to families and countries to understand the real life style.

DollarStreet|Dollar Street World Family Life Photos
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