

Japan Anime Association official website

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brief introduction

AJA:Japan Anime Association is a group of AJA is an industry organization with the participation of various animation production companies. It was established in May 2002 and is dedicated to the development of animation production techniques, the collection and dissemination of market information, copyright protection, the cultivation of human resources and the creation of added value in animation works.

The Japan Animation Association integrates industry resources and ideas to promote the development of animation. The Japan Animation Association (JAA) has been promoting the continuous development of the Japanese animation industry through continuous exchanges with overseas industries. As of April 2011, the Association has 59 companies as its members, and its members include almost all the well-known animation production organizations in Japan today, which has great influence.

The Association of Japanese Animations (AJA) is the industry group, mainly consisted of animation productions The Association of Japanese Animations (AJA) is the industry group, mainly consisted of animation productions companies, established along with the lunch of the intermediate corporation system in Japan in April 2002, and as of January 2007, 52 companies are affiliated with the AJA. AJA works on various issues surrounding the animation industry in which most members are small to medium sized enterprises. Nowadays the industry seriously concern the infringement of intellectual properties including the problem of pirates and illegal file exchanges on the Besides, there are many other problems that AJA should tackle such as improvement of production environment, AJA makes every day effort in order to solve those difficult tasks.

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Japan Anime Association official website
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