

Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico

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brief introduction

Chapultepec:Mexico Chapultepec Zoo is one of the four zoos in Mexico City, started in 1923, opened to the public in 2004, and is the most famous zoo in Mexico.

Chapultepec Zoo was founded by Mexican biologists with public donations and government funding. The zoo was established by Mexican biologists with public donations and government funds, and is an ideal place for animals to grow, with its lush trees, flowers, lakes and beautiful scenery.

The Chapultepec Zoo is home to 245 species and over 2,500 animals, 113 of which are endemic to Mexico, and attracts over 6 million visitors each year. The zoo is known far and wide for its three female pandas, which attract countless visitors.

The zoo's security measures are tight, both for the safety of the animals and to create a comfortable visiting environment for visitors. Precious, fierce animals, there are very thick glass protection windows with visitors separated, gentle animals with iron fences around the fence, there is a trench inside the fence, visitors can not directly touch the animals.

Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico
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