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English Rhyming Thesaurus Search [Rhymer]

People who study English know a rhyming single word The rhyming word search is the problem, and it's a good thing there's a website called Rhymer.

The Rhymer website provides online rhyming word The online version is free to use, but the offline version is available for a fee. The online version is very easy to use, users only need to enter the English word they want to look up to find other English words that rhyme with it.

Online English Grammar Checker

SpellCheckPlus: Online English grammar checker is an online version of a tool to fix English grammar and English sentence spelling errors. It supports English, French and Spanish and a simple text editor with copy, paste formatting, insert, print and more.

SpellCheckPlus Syntax The test tool is very simple to use, you just need to check the English sentence copy to the editor, and then click on the right side of the check text button will be able to test online, wait a little to complete the test, and then there are errors will be highlighted, you hover the mouse over the highlighted area will prompt you the sentence that is written wrong, how to modify.

English Dictionary of Literary Terms

Rhyme Zone is an online search for rhymes, synonyms, and definitions of English words. Rhyme Zone is a dictionary that allows you to look up English words with rhymes, synonyms, definitions, indexes to Shakespeare's works, etc. It is perfect for writing poetry, lyrics, and prose, and users can look up a large number of related words by simply entering a word into the search box.

Online English Etymology

EtymOnline:Online English is a site that provides an abbreviated study of English etymology, allowing users to find the etymology of English words, digging out the roots from the etymology, and digging out words with the same root from the root. This allows you to find out what the root and suffix of a word means and where it evolved from.

The mystery of English vocabulary: learners of English often Although you know the moon, you don't know lunar, luniform, lunate, demilune, plenilune... These words are all related to "moon", but for some reason the face of "moon" is missing from these words.

It turns out that English vocabulary has a characteristic: that is, each basic meaning has two (or more than two) symbols to express, such as: moon, lun are said to be "moon"; see, vis are said to "see" and so on. In English, there is one type of symbols that can be used independently - single words (such as moon, eat, etc.), and another type of symbols that cannot be used independently - root words (such as lun, vis, etc.), it is this " It is this phenomenon of "one meaning, two symbols" that has formed tens of thousands of English words.

English roots are limited, but they have a lot of power, they "lead" and "govern" about 80% of the vocabulary in English, which is our They "lead" and "govern" about 80% of English vocabulary, which is the basis for memorizing a large number of English words quickly, scientifically, and effectively.

For English scholars, to study the English language in depth they must have tools to support the search for etymology, and some words are very convoluted in their variations. For example, husband, which actually means master of the house, is related to agriculture because the main thing in ancient times was agriculture, so the etymology of husband is related to agriculture, and one evidence is husbandry.


Test your English vocabulary (Test Your Vocab is a 3-step process that measures vocabulary based on age and education to find out how many words you have mastered and to what extent you have mastered your English vocabulary.

The test steps on this site are: The first two steps you need to take are In the last step, answer some questions and the site will estimate your vocabulary. The first part uses a small number of words to determine the general vocabulary level, the second part uses larger but narrower selection of questions to determine a more precise vocabulary level and finally (optionally) a survey to collect statistical information.

Maspeak|Online Graphical Word Memorization Website

" Maspeak" is a very simple site for learning multilingual words in native languages, such as English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, etc. The site uses words + native language + pictures to let you recite words.

Memorizing words is the foundation of learning a language, although The most straightforward way to learn a language is to watch, read, and memorize. The site supports Google Translate to achieve automatic conversion of the mother tongue, and you may want to try it out.

Online grammatical error checking website

PolishMyWriting Online Grammar Error Checker is a tool that supports English sentence spelling or grammatical error checking, which can help you fix errors in English sentences and further provide you with English written expression.

Many English lovers complain that they cannot write English If you can have an online tool to check it, this website can help you solve this problem, you just need to copy your written sentences into it, click the check button below, if there is a spelling error or grammatical error, a pop-up box will appear to tell you where there is a problem, if it is a spelling error will be marked with a red line.

Online syntax correction and proofreading tool

Grammarly:Online Syntax Correction and proofreading tool is an online tool that helps users automatically proofread grammar and correct English sentences. You can send your English text to the platform and use their huge database to help you detect and correct errors in your text.

Grammarly online grammar detection The tool is a more accurate tool for students, teachers, writers and professionals on the Internet. With more than 250 common grammar rules, it is enough to meet your daily work needs, and depending on your needs, the test can be set up for general analysis, business, academic, technical, creative and other grammar detection mechanisms.

Grammarly's online grammar checker is the most accurate tool for grammar correction on the market . Also, because the grammar checker is thorough, customizable, and educational, it is an outstanding tool for anyone who writes and wants to improve his or Also, because the grammar checker is thorough, customizable, and educational, it is an outstanding tool for anyone who writes and wants to improve his or her writing - students, bloggers, writers, and professionals.

The Grammarly grammar checker is a comprehensive grammar editing tool that checks your text for the proper use of more than 250 common and advanced grammar rules, including everything from When you check your grammar using Grammarly, all of the grammatical errors are categorized When you check your grammar using Grammarly, all of the grammatical errors are categorized, clearly displayed, and organized for your review and revision.

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