

USA Tide Laundry Detergent Brand

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brief introduction

TiDe:The American Tide laundry detergent brand is Tide is the world's leading laundry detergent brand and one of the largest laundry detergent brands in the world; Tide has always held the ear of the laundry world and led the world in laundry technology.

Tide was born in the United States in 1946 and was the world's first synthetic laundry detergent. The birth of Tide ended the alone-wash era, which had lasted for more than 2,000 years in human history, and freed humans from heavy laundry work, providing the conditions for the arrival of the machine wash era, which is known as the "miracle of the laundry world".

Tide entered China in 1995 and is a household name and a popular brand. For more than a decade, Tide has been committed to providing the best wash and care solutions for Chinese housewives, and its R&D center in Beijing has dozens of scientists dedicated to developing new wash and care products for the Chinese market. Since entering China over a decade ago, Tide has continued to innovate and provide Chinese consumers with outstanding, efficient laundry products that improve the quality of people's lives.

USA Tide Laundry Detergent Brand
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