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Contemporary Non-Profit Art Organization

RhiZome is a native digital art institution founded in 1996, and a non-profit art institution, mainly storing artworks electronically virtualized, also known as "It has created the ArtBase database, which contains 2110 different artworks.

New York Art New Network Review

ArtfCity:New York Art New Network Review is a new art website that combines criticism, reporting, gossip, and other combinations of coverage to provide a snapshot of the current state and development of the arts in our society. trends.

Online art and design creation community

is a website for creative writers, artists, It is an online service for creative writers, artists, designers and other creative groups to view their completed works or works in progress online.

Dribbble also launched for cell phones Dribbble's slogan is, "What are you creating? Dribbble's slogan is "What are you creating?" and then encourages creators to upload their own work, and work in progress, to the Dribbble website.

Dribbble's monetization model is to provide a paid account service that allows regular users to become observers and have the opportunity to hire the creators of their work. Generally, a user-contributed content site is often uneven, but the quality of Dribbble's work is very high, many photographers, designers and other creative industry people like to show their unfinished designs here, through the joint exploration with other designers to stimulate their own inspiration.

dribbble often has people posting photos of their work, sketches, UI prototypes, screens, working environments, etc. Careful people can see the photos from the sketches on the dribbble. Careful people can get some information such as equipment, process, ideas, tools and so on from such photos, which is not in vain of the author's efforts. In terms of equipment, the highest frequency of appearance.

For those who don't know Dribbble, basketball and photo design seem to be unrelated. The former usually requires an outdoor court or indoor basketball arena, while the latter usually requires people to sit at a table and draw or work with AI or PS on a computer.

But Dribbble is all about basketball. New images are called "shots", a set of images are called "buckets", and the most recent uploads are called "debuts". ). In Dribbble's vocabulary, there are no retweets and reblogs, only rebounds. Only after getting a certain number of rebounds, the most popular pictures can enter the "playoffs" (playoffs).

Dan Cederholm, co-founder of Dribbble, said, "The name Dribbble is inspired by the dual metaphor of bouncing ideas and sharing (leaking) your work. The name Dribbble is inspired by the double metaphor of bouncing ideas and leaking your work. The b was added because the dribble domain name was taken over (dribble is basketball terminology for dribble). We didn't want to make the relationship so tight at first, but as the service unfolded we found that the basketball terminology really worked, and the connection came naturally.

The main reason Dribbble used the invitation system was because they actually had jobs at the time, and in order to maintain a balance with Dribbble, they could only devote themselves to Dribbble if they were sure that Dribbble had a guaranteed income, and the invitation system met the conditions. The invitation system met the conditions at the time. The Dribbble site's color scheme is primarily gray and black, accented by a pink color that echoes the logo. The main part of the site is occupied by various works, with plenty of space for comments and the number of likes, shares and views. There is even a small space for the use of various colors in different works, so that other designers can imitate their shadows and tones in their works, etc.

National Endowment for the Arts

The National Endowment for the Arts ( The National Endowment for the Art (NEA) is an independent organization dedicated to funding excellence in the arts and was established by Congress in 1965. Its mission is to provide funding and assistance for outstanding art, creativity, and innovation of all kinds that benefit individuals and society. The Foundation's NEA Jazz Masters, the highest honor for jazz musicians in the United States, is highly regarded with only seven recipients a year.

Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco was built in 1966. In 1966, it is a museum that focuses on Asian artifacts, especially Chinese artifacts. This collection has come from China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and other Asian countries and regions of various types of art treasures more than 15,000 pieces, and as the focus of the collection, the collection of Chinese porcelain here are more than 2,000 pieces, more than 1,200 pieces of jade, more than 800 pieces of bronze. The collection of Chinese cultural relics, which began in the Neolithic period and ended in the Qing Dynasty, is the world's most extensive collection of Chinese jade. Overall, this is a collection of Asian artifacts, especially Chinese artifacts, in the United States has the largest collection of Asian art museums.

BehanCe|Professional design and creation of employment network

is a diverse site for sharing artwork in an inefficient creative arts industry, Behance aims to bring creative professionals Behance aims to give creative professionals a platform to showcase their own work.

Behance allows professional designers to showcase their talents through this platform. Behance firmly believes that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Behance's management team explores new work every day from the top combinations in a variety of fields. These areas include design, fashion, illustration, industrial design, architecture, photography, fine art, advertising, typography, animation, sound and more. Leading creative companies can discover talent through Behance, and millions of visitors can use Behance to keep track of the latest and greatest creative talent.

Seven Arts World Visual Works Website

ARTBoom is a site that showcases creative ArtBoom is a site that showcases creative artworks, mainly covering architecture, painting, film, music, photography. Sculpture and design, collecting outstanding works and ideas from the Internet to help artists and art lovers find worthy works of art.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago

The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (MCA) is a museum of contemporary art in Chicago. Founded in 1967, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (MCA) is one of the largest modern art museums in the world, with a large collection of postwar visual art.

Guggenheim Museum

Solomon. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1937 that operates several modern art museums in New York, Berlin, and Venice, Italy, commonly known as the Guggenheim Museums.

Contemporary Art Museum Chicago

The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago is one of the largest art institutions in the United States. The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago is one of the largest art institutions in the United States, divided into 10 galleries with a total collection of more than 300,000 exhibits. The museum is located on a beautiful view of Lake Michigan and is built in the Victorian style. Since its founding in 1945, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago has continued to illustrate the meaning of contemporary visual culture through paintings, sculptures, photographs and video materials, audio-visual materials and exhibitions.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art ( The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the largest art museum in the United States, founded in 1870 and located in Manhattan, New York, with an exhibition area of over 20 hectares and a collection of over 2 million objects, including many classical artworks, ancient Egyptian artworks, oil paintings and sculptures by European masters.

Tony Award

TONY AWARDS. (Full name: Antoinette Perry Award) the highest award for American drama and musical theater, is the American Theatre Association in memory of the Association's founder, Ms. Antoinette Perry and the establishment of the award, opened on April 6, 1947, a total of 21 awards, only for plays performed on Broadway theaters. The Tony Awards, along with Broadway's artistic prestige, aesthetic status, and box office revenues, are considered the focus of global stage art.

The Ferrin Gallery, an American gallery of modern art specializing in Searle sculpture and studio ceramics, was created in 1979.

National Gallery of the United States

The National Gallery of Art (NGA) is an art museum under the U.S. government, managed by the Smithsonian Institution and established in 1937, with a diverse collection of art treasures, including works by Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso The collection includes works by Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Andy Warhol, and others.

Red Foam

red bubble is a well-known art trading community in the United States where artists can upload their works to the site for users to purchase.

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