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U.S. Air Force
The official website of the United States Air Force (USAF), including the latest news, videos, photos, pilot magazines, career information, an air force search engine and a comprehensive information database.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army home page, news, career information, publications, photos, links to other Army and Department of Defense sites.
All aspects of military life: including military news, pay and benefits, education, veteran experience, reunions, and more.
U.S. Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces, whose primary responsibility is to use the U.S. Navy's fleet of ships to quickly reach various crisis locations around the world to carry out combat missions. The U.S. Marine Corps is part of the U.S. Department of the Navy under the U.S. Department of Defense.
U.S. Navy
The United States Navy (USN or U.S. Navy) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces and is responsible for managing all matters related to the Navy.
Provides military news, military history, military intelligence, military picture, military discussion, is a comprehensive summary military news and event website.
Global Security
U.S. Global Security website.
Military news from the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Iraq, Afghanistan, delivery, veterans, and the Department of Defense.
U.S. Naval Observatory
The mission of the U.S. Naval Observatory is to determine the position and motion of celestial bodies, provide astronomical data, measure the Earth's rotation and maintain the United States Clock.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Responsible for investigating, establishing, and maintaining the nation's water and environmental resources.
U.S. Army and Army Reserve Recruiting
Full-time and part-time job postings for service in the U.S. Army and Reserves.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Provides benefits and services such as patient care and federal benefits for veterans and their dependents.
US Military Photo
Military photos from around the world.
United States Military Academy at West Point
The United States Military Academy at West Point, often referred to as the West Point Military Academy, is the first military academy in the United States. The United States Military Academy at West Point is the first military school in the United States, located in West Point, New York (on the west bank of the Hudson River). It was once known as one of the world's "Four Great Military Academies" along with the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, the Russian Military Academy at Voronezh, and the French Military Academy at Saint-Cyr.
SPACE WAR brings you daily 21st century war news, military space news, nuclear weapons, missile defense systems, missiles, laser weapons.
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