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Cable News Network (CNN) is the most influential news broadcast television company in the United States and the world's most prominent international news television organization.
FOX Broadcasting Corporation (USA)
Fox Broadcasting Company, headquartered in Los Angeles, the boss is Australian media mogul Murdoch. The main series: Prison Break, American Idol (learned by Chinese Hunan TV, made a super female voice), Bone Search, Dr. House, Orange County Boys, the animated Simpsons. The famous science fiction series X-Files and James Cameron produced the post-apocalyptic black sky is also a Fox TV production.
Discovery Channel, USA
Includes sections on nature, human adventure, animal world, global scenery, and science and technology.
American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
American Broadcasting Company (ABC) is mainly engaged in the radio and television business. The website provides news, sports, downloads, games, videos and other sections.
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Columbia Broadcasting Company, one of the three largest commercial radio and television companies in the United States, focuses on news and entertainment programming. Headquartered in New York City, the company's main organizations are: Broadcasting, Television Network, Self-Employed Television and News. The main series: CSI series, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer, Digital Pursuit, Withou a Trace (Search for the Secret Unit), Community Women, The Pretender, The Unit and so on.
FX Cable TV, USA
Fox's cable network, FX's dramas are more personalized, like to go off the beaten path and challenge censorship standards. The main drama: plastic surgery room, shield, The Practice, Over There, Thief and so on.
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), a mainstream U.S. radio and television network, is headquartered in Rockefeller Center, New York, with the peacock as its logo. NBC produces a large number of news, sports and entertainment programs and TV series, including ER, Friends, Will & Grace, Vegas, White House, Heroes and other TV series familiar to Chinese viewers.
HBO, a pay-TV network owned by Time Warner, airs movies, music, documentaries, sports and other entertainment around the clock. Major series: From the Earth to the Moon, Band of Brothers, Rome, Sex and the City, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Big Love, etc.
TVLand, an American cable television station.
TNT America
Turner Network Television (TNT), headquartered in Los Angeles, is a Time Warner pay-TV network that broadcasts NBA, NASCAR, World Championship Wrestling and other sports events around the clock. TNT seldom produces dramas, usually reruns of other stations, but in recent years, "Western Storm" was produced by TNT.
American Idol
American Idol (American Idol) is an American reality TV show from Fox.
Comedy Central Channel
Comedy Central, which Viacom bought from Time Warner, airs a variety of comedy shows, live action and dummy shows. Other shows are: "Drawn Together Cartoon Star Mayhem" and so on.
National Public Radio (NPR)
National Public Radio (NPR) website, including news, politics, business, entertainment, music, and art.
USA Cable Sci-Fi Channel
Sci-Fi is based in Los Angeles, California, and has produced a number of science fiction series such as Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, and some excellent science fiction sketches such as Taken, Dune, and more.
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