The website is the official website of the Austrian Embassy in China (Österreichische Botschaft Peking). The website is the official website of the Austrian Embassy in China (Österreichische Botschaft Peking) and provides an introduction to the Embassy, information on the Embassy, the latest news, bilateral relations, news and information, an overview of Austria, advice and more. The website is available in Chinese and German.
The Embassy of China in the Republic of Austria ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA) Information:
Address: Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Fax: 135794CHINBA
Fax: (431) 7136816
Commercial Office Tel: (431) 714314921& ;lt;br> Fax: (431) 714314922
Visa Office Tel: (431) 7103648
Email: [email protected]
Founded in 2001, the European University Association (EUA), headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, provides a platform for research and educational exchange and cooperation for over 850 universities in Europe.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is a non-political international migration organization that originated in Brussels on December 5, 1951 at the International Conference on Migration. In 1980, it was renamed the Intergovernmental Committee on Migration (ICM), and in May 1987, it was renamed to its present name. The purpose of the organization is to ensure the orderly migration of immigrants to receiving countries by working with countries to deal with immigration issues. The official government website is a portal for the Belgian government to publish policy information and livelihood services to the public, providing information such as administrative news and related links.
The official website of the Belgian government provides information in Dutch, French, German and English. The official website of the Belgian government is available in Dutch, French, German and English, and contains information about the country, the functions and services of the government and its departments, news about the government, links, and information about the economy, justice, education, the environment, employment and housing.
The Kingdom of Belgium, abbreviated as Belgium, is located in northwestern Europe, with its capital and seat of government in Brussels, and its official languages are Dutch, French and German. The official languages are Dutch, French and German. It is a hereditary constitutional monarchy with the king as the head of state, who exercises executive power together with the government.
The Kingdom of Belgium is located in western Europe, bordered by the Netherlands to the north, the Federal Republic of Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the south and west, and the North Sea to the northwest. The land area is 30,528 square kilometers (including the enclave in the Netherlands - Baal-Erdon), the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone 3462 square kilometers, the coastline is 66.5 kilometers long.
IdaIreland:Ireland IdaIreland is a non-profit government agency, the official investment and development agency of the Irish government, and is Ireland's inward investment promotion agency. IdaIreland (Industry Agency) is primarily responsible for attracting and developing foreign investment into Ireland.
The Irish Investment Development Agency (IDA) Ireland) was established in 1969 to safeguard the investments of overseas investors who plan to invest in Ireland's manufacturing and international trade sectors, and to encourage existing investors to develop and expand their operations in Ireland. The agency currently has 13 offices around the world and has helped thousands of foreign businesses set up in Ireland.
Thousands of foreign companies have invested in Ireland in the e-commerce, ICT, software, pharmaceutical, healthcare, engineering and international financial services and other international services sectors, and these companies are using Ireland as a base to expand into mainland Europe. Find out about the services, capital and incentives that Invest Ireland can offer to its clients.
DenMark.DK:Danish Government The official website is the official website introducing Danish national policy and national public information, available in English, French, German and Spanish.
The official website of the Danish government includes a country preview The official website of the Danish government contains information on the country preview, news, travel in Denmark, business, climate and energy, public services, etc. The Kingdom of Denmark, or Denmark for short, is located in northern Europe on the Jutland Peninsula and nearby islands, with the capital and seat of government in Copenhagen, and the official language is Danish. It has a unicameral parliamentary system under a constitutional monarchy, with the royal family as the symbol of the state and not exercising direct executive power. The monarch is the head of state and holds no real power, while the prime minister has real power.
Denmark is one of the world's most economically advanced countries, offering a large number of social benefits, with a very small gap between the rich and the poor and a very high standard of living. Denmark is also one of the founding members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Soccer is the number one sport in Denmark.
The Danish Liberal Party (Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti) is the oldest political party in Denmark, founded in 1870, with a center-right political stance and a pro-free market, pro-business party. In the 2015 Danish election, Liberal Party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen was re-elected Prime Minister of Denmark. The party was founded in 1870 as a center-right party that supported free market and pro-business interests;
This website is the official website of the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus and provides an overview of the Government of Cyprus, country profile, country agreements, agenda, government activities and policies, institutional settings, and the status of the Cyprus government. The website provides an overview of the Government of Cyprus (Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus), country profile, national agreements, agenda, governmental activities and policies, institutional settings and functions, current affairs, etc. The website is available in Greek, Turkish and English. The Republic of Cyprus (the Republic of Cyprus; abbreviated: Cyprus) is geographically located in West Asia, belongs to Europe, the capital and seat of government in Nicosia, the official languages are Greek and Turkish, the implementation of the presidential republican system, the President is the head of state and head of government.
This website is the official website of the Vatican government, available in four languages: Chinese, German, English and Spanish, and provides information on the Pope, the Holy See, the Bible and Catholic catechesis. The Vatican City State (Vatican for short) is the smallest country in the world, located on a high plateau in the northwest corner of Rome, Italy. The head of state is the Pope, who can serve for life, and the center of government is the Holy See, under which the State Council is responsible for the administration of the Holy See and the papal nomenclature, the head of which is the Secretary of State.
The Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world and an educational institution of the Vatican Roman Curia, based in Castel Gondolfi, Italy. The site features state-of-the-art telescopes, research reports and event announcements from the Vatican, as well as online shopping for books and publications.
The website is the official website of the Immigration Office of the Faroe Islands, which provides information on residence and work visas for people who want to visit the island. The Immigration Office of the Faroe Islands is a department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Faroe Islands and was established in July 2008.
The website is the official website of the EMBASSY OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA. China News, China-Latin America Relations, Consular Affairs, Exchange and Cooperation, etc. The website is available in Chinese and English.
The website is the official website of the Latvian Embassy in China, mainly providing an introduction to the Embassy, an overview of the Embassy, the latest news, consular services and so on. The website is available in Chinese, Latvian and English.
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