

Ireland Investment Development Authority

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brief introduction

IdaIreland:Ireland IdaIreland is a non-profit government agency, the official investment and development agency of the Irish government, and is Ireland's inward investment promotion agency. IdaIreland (Industry Agency) is primarily responsible for attracting and developing foreign investment into Ireland.

The Irish Investment Development Agency (IDA) Ireland) was established in 1969 to safeguard the investments of overseas investors who plan to invest in Ireland's manufacturing and international trade sectors, and to encourage existing investors to develop and expand their operations in Ireland. The agency currently has 13 offices around the world and has helped thousands of foreign businesses set up in Ireland.

Thousands of foreign companies have invested in Ireland in the e-commerce, ICT, software, pharmaceutical, healthcare, engineering and international financial services and other international services sectors, and these companies are using Ireland as a base to expand into mainland Europe. Find out about the services, capital and incentives that Invest Ireland can offer to its clients.

Ireland Investment Development Authority
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