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Interpol official website

InterPol:Interpol official website, the organization a founded in 1923 specializing in the investigation and fight against cross-border crime, the organization is in addition to the United Nations, the second largest international organization, but also the world's largest police organization, including 190 member countries, headquartered in Lyon, France.

International Criminal Police Organization ( International Criminal Police Organization -- INTERPOL, or ICPO for short, was originally headquartered in Austria-Vienna, moved to Germany-Berlin during World War II, and moved to Lyon, France in 1989. ICPO's main mission is to collect and review information on international crime, study crime countermeasures, exchange information with member countries, and collect information on criminal cases and crimes. It is also responsible for collecting fingerprints, photos, and files of criminal cases and crimes; reporting important criminal clues, hunting for important criminals and extraditing important criminals; and compiling information on criminal crimes;

International Council on Archives official website

ICA:The International Council on Archives is a ICA:ICA is a broadly representative, non-governmental, international professional organization based in Paris, France; it has an advisory relationship with UNESCO and close ties with international organizations such as the International Federation of Library Associations, the International Federation of Information and Documentation, and the International Federation of Film Archives.

There are 152 countries and regions participating in The organization has 152 countries and regions participating in it. The International Archives Conference, which is held every four years, is the highest authority of the International Archives Council and the highest level, largest and highest level professional academic conference of the international archival community.

The main activities of the Council are to convene international archival congresses, or special congresses at the request of a majority of Class A and Class B members, to explore and promote new technologies, materials and initiatives in the archival field through various symposia and international professional surveys, to introduce national archival collections, The conference will be held at the request of the Council.

The International Council on Archives (ICA) is the global representative of document and archival professionals dedicated to the effective management of documents and the preservation and use of the world's archival heritage. Archives are a precious resource. They are a documentary record of human activity and therefore an irreplaceable witness to historical events and a basis for promoting democracy and human rights and strengthening the identity of individuals and communities. But archives are also fragile and vulnerable. The ICA strives to ensure the protection and use of archives through advocacy, standard setting, professional development, and dialogue among archivists, policy makers, and those who form and use archives.

The Presidency of Tajikistan

The website is the official website of the Presidency of Tajikistan ( The website is the official website of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and provides an overview of the country, development plans, government institutions, state policy, news, the functions of the President, speeches, meetings, pictures and books. The website is available in Tajik, Russian and English. The Republic of Tajikistan (abbreviated: Tajikistan) is located in southeastern Central Asia, the capital and seat of government in Dushanbe, the official language is Tajik, the presidential system, the president is the head of state, the head of government and the commander in chief of the armed forces.

Sri Lanka Immigration Department

The website is the official website of the Sri The website is the official website of Sri Lanka Department of Immigration Emigration, which provides services related to travel to Sri Lanka, including nationality, various visas, passports, border management, etc. The main responsibilities of the Sri Lanka Department of Immigration Emigration are to provide services on nationality matters, protect national security and social order, provide opportunities for economic development, and manage the movement of people in and out of Sri Lanka.

Nepal Federal Government

This website is the official website of the Federal Government of Nepal ( Nepal Government's official website, mainly provides an overview of Nepal, government agencies, functions, national leadership, legislative and judicial departments, and links to official websites. The language of the website is English. The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (FDR) is located in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, bordering the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China, with the capital and seat of government in Kathmandu, and the official languages are Nepali and English.

Bangladesh Embassy in China

The website is for the Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in China ( The official website of the Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in China provides an introduction, overview, latest news, diplomats and their functions, country profile, political economy, consular services, etc. The website is available in English and Chinese.

Maldives Immigration Department

The website for the Maldives Immigration Department ( Department of Immigration and Emigration, Republic Maldives), the official website of the Department of Immigration and Emigration, Republic of Maldives, provides frequently asked questions, entry requirements, work, service policies, travel tips, settlement, work visas, forms, etc.

Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries

The Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (abbreviated CPLP) is a friendship forum of Portuguese-speaking countries, founded in 1996 and headquartered in Lisbon. The CPLP is a forum of friendship among Portuguese-speaking countries, founded in 1996 and headquartered in Lisbon, whose members include Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique. The CPLP is a forum of friendship among Portuguese-speaking countries, founded in 1996 and headquartered in Lisbon;

Camões College

Instituto Camões is a Portuguese non-profit organization founded in 1992 and named after the Portuguese patriotic poet Camões, whose main responsibility is to promote the Portuguese language and the culture of the Portuguese speaking region.

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands

The website is the official website of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands, mainly providing information on the departmental settings, education system, cultural development policy, science development policy, news, relevant laws, etc. The website is available in The website is available in two languages: Dutch and English. The Netherlands is a country that attaches great importance to education, and its education system is world-renowned. The Netherlands has 12 years of compulsory education, and the education system is divided into three levels: primary education, secondary education and higher education.

International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as "The Hague International Tribunal" and "The Hague International Court of Justice", is one of the six major institutions of the United Nations. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as "The Hague International Court of Justice", "The Hague International Court of Justice", is one of the six institutions, but also the main judicial organ of the United Nations, was formally established on April 03, 1946, with headquarters in the Peace Palace in the center of The Hague, Netherlands. The International Court of Justice is the only universal international court with general jurisdiction, and its main function is to arbitrate cases brought by states, or to provide advisory judicial advice at the request of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, and to hear cases of alleged violations of international law. The Hague International Court of Justice is not the same as .

Netherlands Government Official Website The official government website is the gateway to the Netherlands' external communications and national policy information, available in both Dutch and English.

The main services of the Dutch government website include The official website of the Dutch government includes the introduction of the government and the establishment of various institutions. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, abbreviated as the Netherlands, is located in the northwest of Europe, the capital city of Amsterdam, the seat of government in The Hague, the official language is Dutch. The official language is Dutch.

The Netherlands is a parliamentary monarchy with a constitutional system in which the government is composed of the monarch and a cabinet of ministers, including the prime minister, and the executive power is vested in the king and the cabinet. The Privy Council is the highest consultative body on state affairs, chaired by the Queen herself, with other members appointed by the Queen.

Greece Investment Promotion Council

Invest in Greece Greece is the official investment promotion agency of Greece, dedicated to supporting international investors in establishing new businesses and expanding their activities in Greece with superior services and becoming the most valuable partner for investors, striving to develop Greece into a center of a sustainable new economy.

Invest in Greece helps business people to discover the many opportunities in Greece and provides investors with free Invest in Greece helps business people discover the many business opportunities in Greece and provides investors with free help, analysis, advice and post-investment support. As one of the most strategic and attractive regions in Europe, Greece offers a wide range of opportunities and welcomes you to join and benefit from this new era of investment.

Chinese Consulate General in Irkutsk

The website is the official website of the Consulate General of China in Irkutsk, providing information on the Consulate, the latest news, the Consular District, overseas Chinese affairs and consular documents, consular protection, business technology, culture, education, tourism and notices. The website is available in Chinese and Russian.

United Russia Party

The United Russia party (Единая Россия) is the ruling party of Russia, formed in 2001 by the merger of the Fatherland-All-Russia coalition and the United Russia party, which brands itself as centrist. The current Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev are members of the United Russia party.

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