

Interpol official website

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InterPol:Interpol official website, the organization a founded in 1923 specializing in the investigation and fight against cross-border crime, the organization is in addition to the United Nations, the second largest international organization, but also the world's largest police organization, including 190 member countries, headquartered in Lyon, France.

International Criminal Police Organization ( International Criminal Police Organization -- INTERPOL, or ICPO for short, was originally headquartered in Austria-Vienna, moved to Germany-Berlin during World War II, and moved to Lyon, France in 1989. ICPO's main mission is to collect and review information on international crime, study crime countermeasures, exchange information with member countries, and collect information on criminal cases and crimes. It is also responsible for collecting fingerprints, photos, and files of criminal cases and crimes; reporting important criminal clues, hunting for important criminals and extraditing important criminals; and compiling information on criminal crimes;

Interpol official website
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