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Seoul News

Seoul News (Korean: 서울신문; English: Seoul Shinmun), the oldest newspaper in Korea, was founded on July 18, 1904, initially as 대한매일신보; from August 30, 1910 to November 10, 1945, the name was changed to 매일신보 (매일신보). From August 30, 1910 to November 10, 1945, the name was changed to 매일신보 (매일신보); on November 23, 1945, the name was changed to the present one. The newspaper was known for publishing anti-Japanese articles and exposing Japanese aggressive ambitions.

Korea JoongAng Daily

Joins is the online version of the famous Korean newspaper "JoongAng Daily". JoongAng Ilbo (중앙일보; English: JoongAng Ilbo) is one of the three major newspaper groups in Korea (the other two are the Korean Daily News and the East Asian Daily News) and was founded in 1965.

Korea Cine21 movie magazine official website

Korea Cine21 movie magazine is a Korean The magazine is published once a week and features movie premieres, interviews with filmmakers, movie reviews and other related reports. It is a high level professional movie website with a special database of movie works and filmmakers.

Cine21 is currently the best Korean film Cine21 is currently the best Korean film magazine, which annually selects the top five best Korean films, and its top five list has been recognized by the Korea Video Archive. In addition, Cine21 also has a special database of film works and filmmakers.

Korea Ceci Trendy Fashion Magazine

Ceci magazine is one of the best-selling Korean Ceci magazine is one of the best-selling fashion magazines in Korea, established in 1994; it has become the teaching book of magazines in Korea in its own unique way, from the introduction of new clothes to various purses, shoes and other accessories, all of which make people feel the strong and avant-garde of the "Korean Wave", and want to get a taste of the latest fashion and clothing trends in Korea in spring and summer, this issue is a must-see.

CECI is a fashion magazine for women in their 20s. CECI is a fashion information magazine for women in their 20s. It is not a passive magazine for readers only, but a magazine that provides reader-centered information and introduces various shopping malls and market information with direct reader participation. Themes and celebrities and interviews with people.

CeCi China is a joint venture between China's "North Youth Media" and Korea's number one media organization "Korea Central M&B". Since its launch in June 2008, CeCi China has been adhering to the combination of the latest international fashion information, unique marketing concept, comprehensive marketing methods, with "innovative" face, "interactive" costume The magazine has been shining with "innovative" faces and "interactive" costumes.

The core readership of CéCi sisters is 22-35 years old with good professional qualities, love life, positive women, they are smart, active, and spontaneous personality, have their own unique insights and aesthetic point of view, with a good and optimistic attitude towards everything, they are the pursuit of personality and They are the representatives of women who pursue individuality and style.

IdeaMag|Graphic Art and Typography Magazine

Graphic Typography Magazine (Idea Mag) is an IDEA magazine created by Seibundo Shinkosha in Japan, focusing on and typography, published quarterly in Tokyo, Japan, offering Japanese and English versions, the main columns are magazines, books, events, news, to help designers find typographic inspiration for the design industry.

World Soccer Magazine Official Website

WorldSoccer: World Soccer Magazine is a soccer magazine published by IPC Media in the UK. The magazine is mainly engaged in the promotion of world soccer, and each year it presents the best players in the world, the best coaches in the world, the best teams in the world, the best youth players in the world, and the best referees in the world.

WorldSoccer Magazine was founded in 1982 as a publication of the European Sports Magazine Federation. In December 1999, World Soccer held an event to select the 100 greatest soccer players of the 20th century, as voted by readers.

Open Weather Forecast Map

OpenWeatherMap: OpenWeatherMap is a web-based service platform that provides free weather forecast data and predictions, suitable for any map-like service with additional weather functionality, open API for web and mobile applications.

Newsnight UK

The British Evening News ( The Evening Times is a local evening newspaper that is very popular in the region. The content mainly involves international news, social news, cultural and entertainment news, sports news, focus news, etc., but also provides weather, job hunting, sales, etc.. Concerned about people's lives, practical information, strengthen social news, supplemented by leisure and entertainment, has a strong service and readability.


CNBC Asia is a financial news station that started broadcasting in 1995 and is headquartered in Singapore, mainly broadcasting financial programs, with 16:9 widescreen 1080i HD broadcasting since 2014. The station has been broadcasting in 16:9 widescreen 1080i HD since 2014;

London Evening Standard

London Evening Standard (London Evening Standard), the leading daily newspaper in London, England, was founded in 1827, under the Daily Mail and General Trust (Daily Mail and General Trust), mainly covering the UK domestic and foreign news and London regional financial affairs. In January 2009, the newspaper was acquired by Alexander Lebedev, a Russian businessman.

The Independent

The Independent (UK) was founded in 1986 and is still relatively new compared to The and The. But in terms of political leanings, The Independent sits right in between the two, neither progressive nor conservative. The Independent's official website provides a comprehensive source of daily information on UK and world news and commentary.

British Vanguard Fashion Magazine

The British pioneer fashion magazine is a British fashion information, high-end fashion, world-class photography art as the theme of the magazine site, founded in 2001; only issued twice a year, but each time will be invited to the popular actress as the cover character.

AnotherMag content in addition to the general fashion information, will also publish some photography works about art, politics and literature. In addition to the normal reading content, you can also watch dynamic videos and listen to music. Since its launch in 2010, it has become one of the leading magazines on fashion, art and culture.


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Minimalist Design Magazine

Minimalissimo Nº1 Minimalissimo Nº1 is a publication that focuses attention on the exploration of the concept of minimalism and its impact on creativity, and is a kind of niche magazine.

Minimalissimo Nº1 The magazine was launched on the public funding site Kickstarter and raised £11,058 from 414 backers in just one month. In just one month, the magazine raised £11,058 from 414 backers, reaching its crowdfunding goal. Every element on the cover seems to echo the magazine's respect for classic minimalism.

Back in 2009, Minimalissimo Minimalissimo has existed as a blog, sharing creative content selected for its minimalist aesthetic, and then, because of its love for minimalist aesthetics, it gradually gathered editorial members from all over the world, and slowly developed into an online magazine with a small reputation in the design community for promoting minimalist aesthetics. In the framework of this understanding, the function of the thing also becomes clear and easy to understand. In addition, the minimalist style of design also emphasizes attention to detail, eliminating any superfluous elements.

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Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA, German News Agency) is a well-known international news agency, founded in 1949 in West Germany, headquartered in Hamburg, as the official German news agency, broadcast in German, English, Spanish and Arabic. The news is broadcast in German, English, Spanish and Arabic.

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