

Minimalist Design Magazine

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brief introduction

Minimalissimo Nº1 Minimalissimo Nº1 is a publication that focuses attention on the exploration of the concept of minimalism and its impact on creativity, and is a kind of niche magazine.

Minimalissimo Nº1 The magazine was launched on the public funding site Kickstarter and raised £11,058 from 414 backers in just one month. In just one month, the magazine raised £11,058 from 414 backers, reaching its crowdfunding goal. Every element on the cover seems to echo the magazine's respect for classic minimalism.

Back in 2009, Minimalissimo Minimalissimo has existed as a blog, sharing creative content selected for its minimalist aesthetic, and then, because of its love for minimalist aesthetics, it gradually gathered editorial members from all over the world, and slowly developed into an online magazine with a small reputation in the design community for promoting minimalist aesthetics. In the framework of this understanding, the function of the thing also becomes clear and easy to understand. In addition, the minimalist style of design also emphasizes attention to detail, eliminating any superfluous elements.

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Minimalist Design Magazine
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