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Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are among the world's greatest The Vatican Museums are one of the world's greatest museums, founded by Pope Julius II in the 16th century. The collection contains the accumulated work of the Roman Catholic Church over the centuries, including the Sistine Chapel and Raphael's Room, which were decorated by Raphael.

Direc TV

Direc TV is one of the most famous TV stations in Puerto Rico. Direc TV is one of the most famous TV stations in Puerto Rico, providing information and schedules of various TV programs, program forums, program reviews, etc. The programs broadcast are mainly cultural variety shows. The website is the official website of the station and is in Spanish.

MUSA|Underwater Museum of Cancun, Mexico

The Cancun Underwater Museum in Mexico ( Cancun Underwater Museum (MUSA) is one of the world's largest underwater museums, the museum originated from the Mexican National Marine Park's coral reef protection program, in Cancun's crystal-clear seabed has 500 life-size statue groups distributed in 200 square meters of the seabed.

Because of the increasing damage to natural coral reefs by boats and divers, the reefs are being damaged by the sea. In order to divert tourists, an innovative idea was created. Originally a man-made reef, the nature conservation project became an art project with the intervention of sculptor Jason Taylor. It took him 18 months, 120 tons of concrete and gravel, 400 kilograms of silicon and 38,000 meters of fiberglass to create 477 sculptures of human figures that were placed on the sea floor of Manjun near Cancun. These groups are divided into small areas according to themes, including "Silent Evolution", "Time Like a Shuttle", "Man on Fire", "The Saint" and other works. From 2009 to 2013, the Cancun Underwater Museum has set up three exhibition areas with a total of 500 statues on display.

The completion of the installation is a two-step process: the first step is The first step is to take the material for the statue. Jason started in the small fishing village where he lives, and took the molds directly from the faces of the villagers, giving a strong sense of realism to the life-size statues. After the molds were made, special concrete with a neutral pH value was poured and molded, so as not to pollute the underwater environment. Each statue has its own air holes and scratches, which are conducive to the attachment and growth of marine life. The installation is carefully placed on the seafloor and fixed to the seabed at a depth of 3 to 6 meters, and the second step of the installation will be completed by time and the ocean.

These statues are born from people who have actually lived in this world. These bodies, framed at a certain point in their lives, die at the moment of shedding, like cicadas. After they enter the water, they stand quietly at the bottom of the sea, waiting for a second life. All the figures have their eyes slightly closed, still loaded with the burden of life, immersed in a faint joy and sorrow.

One by one, the statues were placed in their resting places for seven years, and slowly seaweed sprang up from their ears, red twig-like fire coral from their eye sockets, and barnacles and starfish crawled all over their bodies. Their faces as human beings gradually disappear, slowly becoming a forest, an island of the future. Seaweed swayed on them, dancing with the sunlight, and the fish swarmed between the human figures, flying freely. Occasionally a small tropical fish will rub itchy on the face of a statue, the kind of tender intimacy, indescribable.

The statue is fulfilling its mission, using its humanoid body to provide a breeding ground for coral, and then to accommodate more marine life to breed and inhabit as part of the local marine ecosystem. Interestingly, these statues are still walking in that small fishing village, still going through the inevitable life of old age, sickness and death. The statues, however, will carry more life and flourish in the flux of life, living forever on the sea floor. This wonderful contrast makes people sigh.

Barroco|Mexican Baroque Museum

The Mexican Baroque Museum (Museo Internacional Del Barroco) is a museum with the theme of Baroque art, exhibits from tangible paintings, sculptures, architecture, food, to intangible music, theater, literature, etc., but the most striking or master for the museum to create a sense of flow, a series of curved walls to break the original cold architectural barrier, allowing visitors to traverse one after another A series of curved walls break down the otherwise cold architectural barriers, allowing visitors to fully experience the spirit of the Baroque as they traverse one exhibition space after another.

The museum's site covers an area of approximately 5 hectares and is located in the eastern central city of Pueblo, Mexico. It is located about 7 kilometers away from the city of Puebla in east-central Mexico, at the intersection of two important roads. The site is connected to the city by car, bus or bicycle. The parking space is integrated in two levels on the east side of the museum, with 440 parking spaces, 4 bus spaces, and parking for 42 motorcycles and 50 bicycles.

The front of the museum is designed with a large plaza It is designed to accommodate visitors. The plaza includes drop-off spaces for cars and buses, benches, information boards, a large interpretive platform, and an entrance canopy to welcome visitors. The façade allows for exhibition-related projections at night, while allowing the museum to be seen from a distance.

The building has a maximum height of 19.52 meters, rising 2 meters from the ground. It can therefore be easily seen from the two main roads and becomes a symbol of the surrounding area. The museum occupies two floors above ground. The total area of the building is 18,149 square meters, of which 9,855 square meters is on the ground floor, 7,316 square meters is on the second floor and 978 square meters is on the mezzanine. The concrete walls and floors were custom-made by a professional company and the structural system is entirely prefabricated. The exterior walls are prefabricated panels and the interior walls are cast in place. The prefabricated part is sandwiched by two 65mm white concrete blocks to create a direct exterior effect. The interior is a gray concrete cast in place on the site.

The exposed concrete has a certain texture to cover up the imperfections caused by the construction. The load-bearing walls are 36 cm thick and are prefabricated elements. The floors are semi-prefabricated panels, which are very easy to assemble. The structural strategy of the museum is considered as a whole, which allows for good earthquake resistance. The foundation section has different height differences according to the specific needs of the outdoor area.

The exhibition spaces are mainly located on the first floor, entering the building into the lobby and then directly into the exhibition spaces, atrium and upper floors. The ticket office, offices and stores are also located in the central lobby. In the lobby, you can rest on custom-made benches, and the space is directly connected to the exhibition section, allowing direct access to the permanent or temporary exhibitions.

There are eight permanent exhibition halls, each with a different theme, which together form the whole picture of Baroque art. Each of these rooms has a different theme, and together they form a complete picture of Baroque art. They use art, architecture, drama, music and literature to express the influence of the Baroque on all aspects of daily life. Eight rooms are connected to the terrace to enjoy the view of the surrounding park and lake. The courtyard is 1,800 square meters in size, where visitors can relax, and there is a huge fountain on the façade. Water is also a theme of Baroque art and is the inspiration for this museum.

The Baroque Museum can serve as a center of cultural exchange, not only within Mexico, but also with international ambitions. People from all over the world can exchange their ideas and feelings here. This cultural facility will become the focus of global attention and a source of joy and glory for the Mexican people.

ReadPrint Online Library

ReadPrint is a site that offers free online books with a vast resource of books, poems, plays and short stories, including both classics and works by rookie writers. Users can search directly by book name or author name, and popular authors and books are listed on the main page of the site. Currently, Read Print has about 3,500 authors and about 8,500 books in storage, most of which are classics by European and American authors.

The official website of the Chinese dialect map

Phonemica: Xiangyinyuan China Phonemica is a project dedicated to recording Chinese dialects and their variants, leaving behind each interesting story and the nuances of each local language through the telling of a single story. The team is composed of volunteers from home and abroad.

The mission of the Village Voice Garden: "To capture Chinese stories from all corners of the world and present them through the most natural dialects of the tellers to show the world the richness of the Chinese language."

< p> Through storytelling, we hope to record the voice of every dialect of the Chinese language. We firmly believe that each dialect is a priceless treasure that carries the history and tradition, the customs of the society, and even the cultural deposits of the whole nation. China today encompasses a huge number of dialects, sometimes as diffe rent as Cantonese and Mandarin, sometimes with subtle differences in pronunciation and wording from village to village.

But for a variety of reasons, more and more Chinese people - especially young people who have left their hometowns - are living in a Mandarin world. They use Mandarin to chat with their families, exchange pleasures with colleagues, listen to old friends, and find alumni for dinner. Their dialect will unknownly be silent with time. We can't stop this change, but we want to preserve the cultural heritage of dialects. We are collecting stories in dialects from all over the world, some from family members, some from teachers, some from friends, and of course we want your voice to be heard!

These recordings will be transcribed and shared on the website so that others can listen to your stories and enjoy the wonderful dialect of your hometown. p> On the one hand, these recordings he lp our descendants (who may no longer be fluent in the dialect) to hear their predecessors tell their stories. On the other hand, they are also useful for linguists to study the development and history of Chinese dialects, which can be used as a vehicle to better understand the great migrations and the spread of cultural development in China.

We started by looking for storytellers. We interviewed them first, sometimes in their local dialect, sometimes in Mandarin with a regional accent. We then post the interviews online, adding the Chinese characters, Roman characters (Latin characters) and international phonetic symbols that correspond to the recordings. We will also translate the stories into English.

All of this work is done by the volunteers of the Village Voice Garden, some of whom are online and some of whom are offline data collectors. If you are interested in these small tasks as we are, join our family!

Our History

The website of the Village Voice Garden was launched in May 2012 by Kellen Parker and Steve Hansen. Many years ago, probably in 2008, cheating blue in the brain to plan the prototype of the village sound court - hoping to show the difference of dialects. In the following years, 2009 and 2010, he and Si Yuanzhi worked together on this huge project, and then came what you see now.

Our team

The Village Voice Garden was made possible by a large number of volunteers. Ke cheated blue and Si Yuan straight build and maintain the site. If you have anything to say, feel free to contact us ~ we will be happy to share our story with you.

Phonemica is a project to record spoken stories in every one of the thousands of varieties of Chinese in order to We are a team of volunteers working within China and abroad.< ;/p>

Phonemica is a project to record spoken stories in every one of the thousands of va rieties of Chinese in order to preserve both stories and language for future generations. amp;gt;Our mission: Bringing the richness of oral Chinese to a wider audience, through the words of natural storytellers, from every corner of the world Phonemica is a crowd-sourced project to record spoken stories in every one of the We believe that each language and dialect is a priceless cultural treasure embedding history, social customs -- the knowledge of a people. contains thousands of language varieties, with differences as wide as Mandarin and Cantonese, as nuanced as the different words of neighboring countries. The Chinese language today contains thousands of language varieties, with differences as wide as Mandarin and Cantonese words, as nuanced of neighboring villages.

But with more and more people speaking Standard But with more and more people speaking Standard Mandarin with family members, coworkers, friends and schoolmates, many of these languages will disappear.

We We are collecting stories from grandparents, aunts, neighbors, and schoolmates, and we want to preserve the cultural heritage, They will be transcribed and shared on our site for others to hear.

< p>The recordings will provide a way for future generations to hear the stories of those parents, teachers and friends, told using the language they shared in common. time the recordings will help linguists study the history and development of the Chinese language, allowing us to better At the same time the recordings will help linguists study the history and development of the Chinese language, allowing us to better understand the rich history of China, with its many periods of mass migration and the spread of cultural developments.

All this work is done by Phonemica volunteers, both online and off. If you're interested, please get involved!< /p>

Phonemica was launched by Kellen Parker and Steve Hansen in May 2012. Kellen had come up with an outline of Phonemica many years earlier, probably 2008, with the general idea of showcasing dialect differences. it through 2009-10, the idea gradually developed into what you see today.


Scribd is a world-renowned community site for uploading and sharing online documents, founded in 2007 in Silicon Valley by Trip Adler, Jared Friedman, and Tikhon Bernstam. The site was founded in 2007 by Trip Adler, Jared Friedman, and Tikhon Bernstam in Silicon Valley. With the idea of "making it easy for people to share and publish documents online," the site is now among the top 300 sites in the world.

American Folklore

Paper Trust Chinese Literature Exchange Network

Paper Republic (Paper Republic) is a translation website that translates Chinese literature to English readers, and is also an important platform to promote the exchange and publication of Chinese and world literature; in 2011, the magazine "Road Lamp" was co-organized by Paper Republic and "People's Literature". It aims to bring a wide range of Chinese writers to more English readers.

World Office Showcase

Office Snapshots shows us many office photos of large companies, whether foreign or domestic, with many large IT companies, network companies (such as GOOGLE ,DIGG, Youtube) and so on, want to know their working environment, office is what it is, go in to see it!

Thesis Preprint Website

"Medrxiv" is a free online document storage and distribution literature service platform for storing complete literature but unpublished medical, clinical and related scientific manuscripts (also known as preprints) medRxiv was founded by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), a nonprofit research and education organization, Yale University and BMJ, a global provider of medical knowledge.

Listverse:Top Ten Fun is a place to explore knowledge, where we find the most fascinating and interesting knowledge together. It has everything - life, general knowledge, society, science, entertainment, gossip ...... has it all. We read, write, learn and have fun together.

National Museum of Natural History of Brazil

Brazil' s national museum) is Brazil's oldest scientific institution and one of the largest museums, mainly in the fields of natural history, folklore and archaeology, the museum is located in the Quinta da Boa Vista Park in Rio de Janeiro, 200 years of history, with a collection of 20 million artifacts.

The National Museum of Brazil is the country's oldest and most important historical and scientific museum. About 200 years ago, Dom Pedro I from Portugal declared the independence of Brazil and brought a large number of Egyptian, Greek and Roman artifacts from Portugal to Brazil. Since then, thousands of artifacts that bear witness to Brazil's indigenous history and that of Latin America have been collected, becoming the most important anthropological and ethnographic data in Brazil. In the field of natural history, the National Museum of Brazil also has a collection of rare dinosaur fossils, meteorites and a 12,000-year-old human skull.

On September 2, 2018, the museum went up in flames with no visitors in or out. The fire burned from about 7:30 p.m. until late at night, and video shows flames lighting up windows on all floors of the museum, smoke rising from the roof, and the building and sky turning orange. As the museum is closed, no news of casualties has been reported so far. But the majority of the collection of about 20 million artifacts is believed to have been destroyed.

Daily Melbourne

Daily Melbourne is the local subculture and lifestyle guide website for Melbourne, featuring information on local food, drink, life, art, fashion, big events, music, business yellow pages and more.

Australian War Memorial Official Website

The Australian War Memorial ( The Australian War Memorial is a national memorial to all Commonwealth armed forces and support organisations that have died or fought in the Australian War, founded in 1941 and located in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.

The Australian War Memorial was opened to the public in 1914. It was opened to the public in 1914 and is widely regarded as one of the most important world heritage sites of its kind. The Australian War Memorial consists of three parts: the Hall of Remembrance of the Unknown Australian Soldier, the Memorial Gallery and the Research Centre. There is also an outdoor sculpture garden outside the memorial, which is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on Christmas Day.

The Australian War Memorial is divided into three sections: the Hall of Remembrance, the Tomb of the Unknown Heroes and the War Records Research Centre, where you can learn about the famous people and events that shaped Australia, the history of Australia's various wars, reflect on the lasting effects of war, and even experience for yourself You can even experience the "Great War in the Air", see some of the world's most important military artifacts, and watch a short film by a famous director.

Australia's official world war historian, Charles Bean, first conceived the idea of a memorial to Australian soldiers when he was in France observing the 1916 war. The Australian War Records Section was established in May 1917 to ensure that records of the war were preserved. The records and artefacts were first exhibited in Melbourne and then in Canberra, and the 1927 architectural design competition did not produce a winning entry. However, two entrants, Sydney architects Emil Sodersten and John Crust, were encouraged to design jointly. The scope of the project was limited to a limited budget and the effects of the Great Depression.

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