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Nigeria National Library

Nlbn:Nigerian National Library It is a part of the Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria and is responsible for collecting, preserving and providing users with access to books, magazines and various forms of information and knowledge carriers, ensuring national bibliographic control and worldwide access to publications.

The National Library of Nigeria ( The National Library of Nigeria establishes and maintains the National Library of Nigeria; ensures the high standard of services to be provided by the National Library; collects, maintains and expands books, periodicals, pamphlets, newspapers, maps, scores, films, audio recordings, etc. in order to maintain the high standard of the Library; establishes branch libraries of the National Library of Nigeria in all states of the Federation The library facilities are fully utilized in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors; makes appropriate arrangements for the exchange of materials, publication of catalogs and indexes, and use of the library by related institutions; makes recommendations on the development and arrangement of libraries at all levels of government; is responsible for the development and editing of the Nigerian National Bibliography and bibliographic services.

The idea of the Nigerian National Library first arose in 1940. 1953 UNESCO held a seminar in Ibadan and recommended to the federal government to establish a public library service commission. 1956 the government accepted the proposal of Mr. Obol Nwikina to establish a national library in 1955. In 1959 the West African Library Association proposed the establishment of a Library Advisory Committee to advise the government on the establishment of the Nigerian National Library.

Mr. Rogers, who later became the Director of the American Medical Library, came to Nigeria to advise the government on improvements to the Lagos Regional Library services; in 1961 he submitted a report to the government advocating the establishment of a national library that would both serve the government and act as a national bibliographic center. In July of that year, the Cabinet approved the proposal. In August 1963, the library became a full-fledged team under the Ministry of Information, and between 1963 and 1964, 16 librarians and 7 management staff were recruited. The Library was officially opened on November 6, 1964, under the auspices of the Minister of Information, with a collection of 15,000 volumes, 1,000 periodicals, and 300 microfilms. In 1966, Philip Laporte, the last expert and consultant from the Ford Foundation, became director of the National Library of Nigeria.

The first local librarian was Dr. Price Agee, appointed in 1971, during whose tenure the Library was transferred from the Federal Department of Information to the Federal Department of Education in 1979. After Dr. Agui's retirement, M'Azu Wali served as director from 1986-1991, and in 1991 the Nigerian National Library was granted autonomy. The current Director, Ms. O.O. Omolayole, arrived in September 1999 and assumed her duties on February 21, 2000. After 38 years of changes, the National Library of Nigeria has been institutionalized and given the fundamental guarantee of its existence. It is now working to fulfill its mission of building the country's historical, intellectual and academic database.

The Board of Trustees of the National Library was established as an independent body by a 1964 law. It was not appointed before the military takeover on January 15, 1966, and was established in 1966 with Hausen Wright as chairman and Leidan Zulu as secretary, and held its first meeting on April 13-14. In accordance with the military government's policy, a method of managing the National Library was developed, and on May 2, 1970, the government issued a decree for the National Library Board (Decree No. 29 of 1970), some of the provisions of which were amended in 1979 and 1987, ordering the Nigerian National Library to perform certain duties as a representative of the state.

The collection contains United Nations publications (35,369 volumes); 1,054,000 volumes of books and journals; 29,826 current titles; 113 manuscripts; 88 degrees; 18,250 government documents; 11,626 maps; 4,553 microforms; 16/35mm 324 pieces of film; 100,000 pieces of audio-visual materials; 78 pieces of audio recordings; 4 CD-ROMs; 11,773 pieces of single-volume books.

Busan International Film Festival, Korea

Busan The International Film Festival (BIFF) is one of the largest and most important film festivals in Korea and Asia; the first festival was held in the port city of Busan, Korea in 1996 and is scheduled to be held every October.

The Busan Film Festival was founded with the aim of promoting the development of the Korean film industry and the relationship between Korea and the world. The festival was founded to promote the development of the Korean film industry and friendship between Korea and the rest of the world, to showcase the achievements of Asian cinema, and to provide a platform for the promotion of Asian film talent, and to make the festival an Asian film festival.

The festival features "Asian Cinema", "New Wave", "Panorama of Korean Cinema" and "World Cinema". ""World Cinema", "Wide Angle Lens", "Open Cinema", "Special Projects There are seven sections, including "New Wave". Except for the "New Wave" section, the festival is basically a non-competitive event. In addition to the "Best Asian Newcomer Award" for the competition section, there are also merit awards, union awards, fan awards, the International Film Critics Association Awards, the Asian Film Revival Organization Awards, and the KNN Audience Awards.

National Archives of India official website

NationalarChives:The National Archives of India is the official cultural management agency of India, responsible for receiving and maintaining the historical records of India and the records of the central government agencies, and supervising the paperwork and archival work of the central government agencies.

The central-level, comprehensive archives of India, which receive Established in 1947, it was formerly known as the Imperial Archives Department, which was established in 1891. It is located in New Delhi. It is one of the larger archives in Asia.

The National Archives of India performs some of the functions of an archival authority, but does not have the power to influence the archival work of the states. The Historical Records Committee works closely with the National Archives to compensate, to some extent, for the absence of an archival authority. The Director of the National Archives serves as the Secretary of the Council on Archives and thus has some influence over the archival work of the states through the Council on Archives.

The Indian Council of Archives also employed foreign scholars as its correspondent members. In the 1950s, the famous Chinese historian Shang Xian and archivist Wu Baokang were appointed as its correspondent members.

The genesis of the National Archives of India may be traced back to the year 1860 when Sandeman, the Civil Auditor, in his report stressed the need of relieving the offices of congestion by destruction of the papers of routine nature and transfer of all valuable records Nothing could come out, however, in a 'Grand Central Archive'. Nothing could come out, however, in concrete shape until 1889 when Professor G.W. Forrest of Elphinstone College, Bombay was entrusted the job to examine Nothing could come out, however, in concrete shape until 1889 when Professor G.W. Forrest of Elphinstone College, Bombay was entrusted the job to examine the records of the Foreign Department of the Government of India.

Earlier he had earned reputation as an In his report, he made a strong plea for transferring all records of the administration of East India to a Central Repository. In his report, he made a strong plea for transferring all records of the administration of East India Company to a Central Repository.

As a result, Imperial Records Department (IRD) came into existence on 11 March 1891 which was located in Imperial Secretariat Building at Calcutta (Kolkata). Professor G.W Forrest was made its Officer in Charge. His main task was to examine, transfer, arrange and catalogue records of all the Departments and to His main task was to examine, transfer, arrange and catalogue records of all the Departments and to organise a Central Library in place of various Departmental Libraries.

After G.W. Forrest, the work at Imperial Records Department (IRD) progressed well under S.C. Hill (1900), C.R. Wilson (1902), N.L. Hallward (1904), E. Denison Ross (1905), A.F. Scholfield ( 1915), R.A. Blaker (1919), J.M. Mitra (1920) and Rai Bahadur A.F.M. Abdul Ali (1922-1938) who were scholars as well as Records Keepers in their own right.& amp;lt;/p>

The official website of Korea Yongfeng Library

Ypbooks:Korea Yongbong Literature Library is Korea's famous bookstore sales platform, is also a comprehensive cultural space operating a variety of cultural goods, Yongfeng Library has six branches and and online bookstore. One of the most representative to the Chungro branch and the Gangnam branch, these two are connected to the subway, the traffic is very convenient.

YFDB's Chungro branch is located on the first and second basement floors of Chungro, Seoul. It has one million books, mainly books, and also operates various stationery, records, computer software, etc. There are various specialty stores and fast food restaurants inside. In the spacious bookstore can always see a full army of book purchases, but also for the convenience of copying, packaging, painting convenience facilities.

Yongfeng Bunko Gangnam branch is located in the first-class shopping and entertainment mall Central City Young Plaza in Seoul, the first floor, is Yongfeng's largest bookstore, stairway layout, does not appear chaotic. It is not only a bookstore, but also a book bar, event hall, information plaza and information center that provide the latest cultural information. Even if you don't buy books, it's nice to spend a few hours looking around.

The Chungro branch is located on the first and second basement floors of the Yongfeng Building in Chungro, Seoul, and has one million books, mainly books, but also various stationery, records, computer software, etc. There are various specialty stores and fast food restaurants inside. In the record store, you can listen to the latest Korean music. There are posters of various shows for pre-sale, so you can browse through them. The spacious bookstore is always full of book buyers and has convenient facilities for copying, packaging and painting.

Short fiction original community

YourStoryClub: YourStoryClub is a website dedicated to the publication of short stories, where you can enjoy a collection of short stories in various styles, all of which are free to read and support freelance writing, not for profit, but only to help freelance writers publish their own novels, so that more people can identify.

The stories on the site are mostly for freelance writers in India. The stories on this site are mostly published by freelance writers in India, but there are also many novels from other countries, mainly in English, and you can train your reading skills through this site to provide English proficiency without having to register to read them.

Indian Festivals Association

The Society for the Festivals of India (SCFI) is an organization dedicated to Mother's Day and aims to bring awareness and appreciation of Mother's Day to people around the world. The website is the official website of SCFI, which provides information on the origin of Mother's Day, historical development of Mother's Day, Mother's Day stories, characteristics of Mother's Day around the world, Mother's Day messages, poems, songs, gifts, etc.

Kyushu National Museum

Kyushu The National Museum is a national museum in Japan, opened in 2005, located in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture, with the theme of "The formation of Japanese culture from the perspective of Asian history".

Electrocution Library

"The girl from rim" god "(god others は じ め ま し た, Kamisama Kiss) is a Japanese girl comic by Suzuki JULIETTA creation, began in 2008 in the journal of girl's comic series. On October 1, 2012, the TV animated version of "The Girl of Vitality" began to be broadcast.

Four Seasons Theatre Company

Shiki Theater Company (theater company Shiki) is one of Japan's leading Founded in 1953, the independent theater company performs more than 2,000 times a year, with famous plays such as "Lee Hyang-ran" and "Southern Cross", etc. Its exclusive performance venues include JR East Japan Art Center, Osaka Shiki Theatre and Fukuoka City Theatre.

Global Land and Sea Topography Database

Global Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), also known as the topographic map of the oceans, is prepared by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) in coordination with the countries concerned, covering 18 topographic maps of 1:10 million (1:6 million for the poles) worldwide.

Oceanic topographic maps provide global topographic data on land and sea. GEBCO data contains land elevation and seawater depth data; land elevation data comes from SRTM30 and GTOPO30 etc., seawater depth data comes from Smith and Sandwell's global topographic data and 290 million seawater depth sounding data.

GEBCO is a joint IHO-IOC-directed general ocean bathymetry project, which aims to establish international cooperation channels through the joint efforts of scientists and oceanographers around the world to complete ocean bottom bathymetry and "GEBCO Electronic Atlas". TSCOM and SCRUM are two sub-committees under GEBCO, TSCOM emphasizes technical research and application in mapping, SCRUM aims to strengthen and coordinate the connection and cooperation between regional mapping working groups and encourage their joint participation in GEBCO's mapping work, which has been held once a year since 1984.

At present, GEBCO has formed a variety of bathymetric datasets and products, including 1 minute, 30 arc second global bathymetric grid datasets, GEBCO electronic atlas, GEBCO world map, and GEBCO seafloor gazetteer, grid browser software, WMS service and IHO-IOC, GEBCO COOK BOOK. GEBCO COOK BOOK.

GEBCO Science and Technology Day mainly showcased the new developments and technologies of the current seabed topography around the world in the form of presentations and exhibition boards. After that, 13 scholars gave presentations on the integration of GOOGLE MAP and ocean, global multi-resolution topographic fusion, visualization technology of bathymetric topographic data, new methods to obtain bathymetric topographic data by applying satellite inversion and other technologies, and extension projects of GEBCO (e.g. education, public awareness). The latest results of GEBCO were presented in the following areas

The joint TSCOM-SCRUM meeting mainly focused on the current GEBCO product status and the follow-up work to explore and verify the responsibilities of the Crowd Source Bathymetry Working Group (CSDWG), the current problems and the follow-up work. The Crowd Source Bathymetry Working Group's responsibilities, current issues and follow-up work plan were identified.

Tate Modern Art Museum

The Tate Modern (Tate Modern (Tate Modern) is the UK's national museum of modern art, established in 2000 and located in London, is one of the world's most visited art museums.

British National Portrait Gallery

The National Portrait Gallery is a famous portrait art gallery in England, established in 1856, near the National Gallery of Art, which mainly collects paintings, drawings, sculptures and other portraits.

Bodley Library

The Bodleian Library, Oxford's main library, was established in 1602 and is one of the largest libraries in England and one of the oldest in Europe. is a comprehensive website about Christmas in the UK, created by James Cooper in 2000. The site focuses on the origins of Christmas, Christmas stories and customs, and fun Christmas games for people who want to learn more about the holiday.

Saatchi Gallery

The Saatchi Gallery (Saatchi Art Museum) is a modern art museum in England, established in 1985 in London, and one of the most popular art museums in the U.K. In 2010, Saatchi announced that he was donating his collection and the gallery to the government.

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