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India Startup Media Network

YourStory:Indian Startups Enterprise Media Network is an Indian technology startup platform dedicated to India, bringing together India's best startups and launching a unique startup event called Startup Festival India.

Bangalore is the third largest city in India, with a population of about 6.5 million. After India's independence in 1947, the city developed into a center of heavy industry. In the last decade, the success of many technology companies in Bangalore has made it the center of Indian IT, commonly known as "India's Silicon Valley", with a status and role equivalent to that of Zhongguancun in Beijing and the Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan.

Not just for technology companies, Bangalore is also home to the Indian Space Research Organization, the Institute of Astrophysics, the National Center for Biology, and other institutions. But this is such a starry city, but there is no modern infrastructure, traffic is very congested, but also face power difficulties.

Like the ambitious dreams of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, young people in Bangalore are not starting businesses for the sake of starting businesses, they also have similar motivation. In Bangalore, there is no Chinese copycat culture, and local entrepreneurs never seek to change or replicate an existing industry model. Bangalore's acceptance of technology is limited. Engineers there currently rely heavily on PHP and Java, and rarely adopt languages popular with Silicon Valley engineers such as Ruby and Python.

Foreign Software Download Platform

Downloadcrew website is Some foreign media comment that the website is a bit confusing but worth using because it tells you in the simplest language what this software does, why it is good and what defects it has.

Downloadcrew website provides All the software is posted on the website after four processes: download, installation, testing and approval.

Special Symbol Input Instructions

The Symbol website is a site dedicated to It helps those who don't know how to enter special symbols on the keyboard, through this site you can quickly retrieve and copy the special symbols above, and the site is also a manual for using special symbols.

Explanation of terms. "Special symbols refer to symbols that are used less frequently than traditional or commonly used symbols and are difficult to enter directly, such as: mathematical symbols; unit symbols; table-making symbols, etc."

The site not only lists the commonly used special symbols such as mathematical, arrows, punctuation, currency, symbols, etc., but also shows how to enter each symbol under Windows and Mac systems, with simple club names and usage examples, so that you can really understand how a symbol It allows you to really understand how a symbol should be used and under what circumstances.

UK Electronic Products Retail Network

Dabs:UK Electronics Retail is the The UK's largest IT retail site, the company is headquartered in Bolton and is growing at over 20% per year, making it one of the few successful e-tailers in Europe.

Dabs:UK Electronics Retail is the UK's largest IT retail site, based in Bolton, growing at over 20% per year and is one of the few successful e-tailers in Europe. Based in Bolton, Dabs is one of the few successful e-tailers in Europe, with an annual growth rate of over 20%. The site has about 1.3 million registered online users selling about 20,000 items from companies such as Sony, HP, Toshiba and Microsoft.

Singapore Multilingual Translation Network

Tamilcube:Singapore Tamilcube is a major translation service website in Singapore with a wealth of online resources. It offers a comprehensive range of free multilingual dictionaries and language resources for people.

Tamilcube offers a comprehensive range of Tamil, Telugu, German, Malayalam, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Arabic, Malay, Filipino, Spanish, French, etc.

your one-stop portal for popular modern dictionaries and authentic online resources for rich languages of offers comprehensive free dictionaries and language resources in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Arabic, Pali, Malay, Indonesian, Tagalog, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Spanish, French and German. is Singapore's leading translation service provider with more than 15 years of experience in providing high quality is Singapore's leading translation service provider with more than 15 years of experience in providing high quality translation and publications.

South Africa IT General Network

ITweb:South Africa's IT integrated network in less than 10 years, from a small online pioneer development side very difficult to pass for a technology-focused publisher.

With the boom and bust of the network, the continuous development of network media, and many competitors. With the maturity of web technology, itweb has developed into a stable and outstanding company and won many advertisers.

Asia Technology Innovation Information Network

TechinAsia is a technology blog focused onTechinAsia, a technology blog covering Asian technology and startups in English, announced today that it has received a second round of funding led by Simile Venture and followed by its angel investment, East Ventures, but no details were disclosed.

TechinAsia reports on the scope TechinAsia is dedicated to bringing technology news and startups from China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Japan to the English-speaking world. Founder Willis Wee told me that in addition to data such as traffic, investors are looking for the team.

The team consists of 13 people, one each from Shanghai, Tokyo, the U.S. and Vietnam, three from Jakarta, and six from Singapore, where it was founded in March 2011. Willis Wee says they have been focusing on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Southeast Asia for a while now, and are happy to help Chinese startups spread their wings overseas, especially in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

Visualization information visualization graphics platform

We live in the age of data collection and content is the product of this data era, a new platform for visualizing information graphics.

Microsoft Open Source Managed Services Platform

CodePlex:Microsoft Open Source Code CodePlex supports CodePlex account and Microsoft Account (Windows Live ID) login.

Santa Ana Server Room, USA

KryPt:USA Santa AnaKryPt is one of the US server providers, established in 1998, formerly known as Counter-Strike server vendor, has a lot of experience in server management and has a perfect server management solution.

Web application development test platform

CircleCi:Web Application The web application development testing platform is a continuous integration platform for web application developers created by a team of developers who provide testing, integration and deployment like Heroku.

Online hacking simulator game network

"s0urce" is an online experience The user only needs to follow the prompts to operate to experience a certain operation process and effect of hacking.

Through the experience of "s0urce" after I think this is a simulated hacker and the target user chat interaction, and then through a series of operations to invade other users, and earn BTC, but also BTC to unlock more features, the game in Github open source, know the technology of the programmer can be upgraded through the open source code for transformation.

Online keyboard fingering practice website

The popularity of computer use is very high, and many people in The first thing to practice after contacting the computer is the use of the keyboard, in fact, the use of the keyboard is very slow at the beginning, but after a long time will be familiar with the incomparable, but here also gives the user a site to practice English fingering, can help users to improve familiarity with the keyboard, from the beginning to learn the correct fingering.

Ratatype is a fairly complete set of Ratatype is a complete set of English typing practice, test tools, not only English typing speed test, but also can gradually arrange courses to help you more systematically improve typing speed, and familiarity with the keyboard.

Unlike some similar typing practice services, Ratatype does not just allow you to improve your typing speed through continuous practice, but guides the user from the simple to the difficult, from left-handed, right-handed, and finally cross-over, even if you are new to the keyboard or have no typing skills at all. Even if you are new to the keyboard or have no basic knowledge of English typing, you can use Ratatype to train your typing speed.

When using Ratatype for the first time, you can test your typing speed from the Start Typing Now on the home page to see how many words you can type in one minute on average. After completion, Ratatype will pop up the registration link, using this service can be directly logged in with a Facebook account, or Email registration account, completely free, after registration can also save learning progress, so that learning more effective.

Ratatype's course design I think is quite good, divided into 15 learning progress, each progress has a different training objectives, of course, from simple to difficult, step by step to gradually learn, and eventually complete the learning can also be certified. If you don't finish once, the next time you log in you will start where you left off.

If you feel that your typing speed is not fast enough, or want to increase your familiarity with the keyboard key positions (or fingering), you can use Ratatype's website to do English typing practice, test, and believe that if you follow the lessons on the website, you will be able to improve your typing speed efficiently!

Moodica|Healing Visual Therapy Network

Moodica is a white noise + motion visual site that provides an online This is a door named "Moodica" quietly opened for you, there is no one inside, and no need to buy a ticket; after entering, the blue ocean is reflected in the eyes, the ship with the waves undulating, hear the sound of the sea.

Sometimes we will be a bunch of chores backlog brain bag. The time is not enough, stare at the screen and feel exhausted, patience can certainly survive, years and years of nervous tension, even after work hours or feel pressure. Through the Moodica website you can imagine being on a small island somewhere in the Caribbean is not enough, press the right button, we came to the famous Antelope Canyon in the United States, in which, 360 degrees around the wilderness of the strange rock, the wind whistling in the ears, feel the wonders of nature.

Moodica currently offers several themes and will update the video every week, users can subscribe to receive email notifications, and then come to see what else is new to satisfy the curious feeling. However, the main thing is to choose the film according to your own interests and preferences, such as children do not like to go to bed early, put some Moodica theme video, listen to it, watch it will have a hypnotic effect.

Public Service 404 page to find lost children

NotFoun:Public Interest 404 Page Child Focus, a public service organization, has launched a program called "NotFound" that uses the 404 page of its website to help find children who have gone missing.

Every year, thousands of children are lost in the European Union. You can share a piece of yourself with NotFound. Just install our app and a photo of a lost child will be automatically added to the 404 page of your website. Let's work together to get them home.

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