

India Startup Media Network

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YourStory:Indian Startups Enterprise Media Network is an Indian technology startup platform dedicated to India, bringing together India's best startups and launching a unique startup event called Startup Festival India.

Bangalore is the third largest city in India, with a population of about 6.5 million. After India's independence in 1947, the city developed into a center of heavy industry. In the last decade, the success of many technology companies in Bangalore has made it the center of Indian IT, commonly known as "India's Silicon Valley", with a status and role equivalent to that of Zhongguancun in Beijing and the Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan.

Not just for technology companies, Bangalore is also home to the Indian Space Research Organization, the Institute of Astrophysics, the National Center for Biology, and other institutions. But this is such a starry city, but there is no modern infrastructure, traffic is very congested, but also face power difficulties.

Like the ambitious dreams of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, young people in Bangalore are not starting businesses for the sake of starting businesses, they also have similar motivation. In Bangalore, there is no Chinese copycat culture, and local entrepreneurs never seek to change or replicate an existing industry model. Bangalore's acceptance of technology is limited. Engineers there currently rely heavily on PHP and Java, and rarely adopt languages popular with Silicon Valley engineers such as Ruby and Python.

India Startup Media Network
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